John Doering-White received a Wenner-Gren dissertation award for the 2016 academic year.
Laura Sundstrom and Megan Elyse Williams, Evaluation Associates with the Curtis Center Program Evaluation Group, were invited to write a post for the American Evaluation Association blog, AEA365. Their post highlighted the tool they developed for the Program Evaluation Group, the Tiers of Skill Development. The Tiers of Skill Development intentionally guide students through developing their evaluation skills. You can read their blog post here.
Lisa O'Donnell successfully defended her dissertation, "An Investigation on Predictors of Occupational Functioning in Individuals with Bipolar Disorder" and obtained her PhD in Social Work and Clinical Science. She has accepted a Postdoctoral Fellowship with the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA.
Daniel Anderson, Nadia Aggour, Alana Kivowitz and Ferdinando Palumbo (all MSW’16) had their poster entitled "Finding Meaning as Social Work Interns at a College Counseling Center" accepted for presentation at the 2016 Big Ten College Counseling Centers Conference at Purdue University.
Pinghui Wu was awarded an International Student Fellowship from Rackham Graduate School for the 2016 academic year.
Associate Professor Daphne Watkins project Young Black Men, Masculinities, and Mental Health (YBMen) is featured in Concentrate. Her project, is a social media-based intervention that seeks to combat that lack of support, information and conversation around critical issues affecting what Watkins calls "a minority within a minority."
The Office of Student Services Team was selected to receive the Seventh Annual Distinguished Diversity Leaders Award. In close partnership between the Vice Provost for Equity, Inclusion and Academic Affairs and the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, the Distinguished Diversity Leaders Award was established to shine a light on those staff members who work toward achieving a welcoming, supportive and inclusive working environment.
The Child and Adolescent Data Lab, directed by Associate Professors Joe Ryan and Brian Perron received an award from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation to include educational data in their studies
Clinical Associate Professor Julie Ribaudo was interviewed for the HometownLife article, “Kindness Counts: Keeping the Peace at Family Gatherings Key”.
Assistant Professor Mathieu Despard was named a Faculty Associate at the Center on Assets, Education, and Inclusion, a division of the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106