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    QAC Addresses Anti-Trans Legislation on Transgender Day of Visibility

    Hey SSW,

    As many of you may or may not have seen, this week Arkansas passed a law banning health care providers from providing trans youth with access to healthcare. Along with Arkansas, there are similar bills being introduced in several states across the country including Michigan. Many are attacking the ability of trans youth to participate in sports, others are attacking access to healthcare and the ability of transgender people to participate in public life.


    This is a direct attack on the trans community. As social workers, we must make a commitment to organize in order to ensure that transgender youth have life-saving medical care by any means necessary. 

    Now more than ever, cis people must stand up for the rights and dignity of their transgender peers. The solution is and must be intersectional solidarity, advocacy, and mutual aid. The trans community must not face these attacks alone.

    On this Trans Day of Visibility, we are asking everyone to make at least ONE call to either the Governor of Arkansas or to an Arkansas State Senator to call for an end to this inhumane legislation.

    • Call Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and demand a veto to HB 1570: (501) 682-2345
    • Call Arkansas State Senators to voice opposition to this bill. Here are their numbers.
    • Additionally, here is a template to email the governor at [email protected].

    To view the anti-transgender legislation in other states, see the following links. It is vital we stay up to date and advocate alongside our trans friends and colleagues. 

    Finally, if you or a loved one are in need of resources, several are included below:

    • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
    • Trevor Project LGBTQ+ Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
    • CAPS After Hours: 734-764-8312
    • The UM Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES): 734-936-5900

    In Solidarity,

    Queer Advocacy Coalition

    • March 31, 2021
  2. Lynn Videka
    Lynn Videka and the U-M Women Deans Condemn Comments Made by U-M Regent Ron Weiser

    Dean Lynn Videka was one of the six of U-M’s women deans who wrote a letter protesting the remarks U-M Regent Ron Weiser made on Thursday at the North Oakland Republican Club. The deans called on Weiser to “repair the serious harm” he had caused. “Regent Weiser's name-calling and use of language suggesting violent actions are hostile, threatening and offensive to all women,” said Videka. U-M President Mark Schlissel and Provost Susan Collins also issued statements denouncing Weiser’s comments.

  3. Andrew C. Grogan-KaylorShawna J. LeeGarrett Pace
    Making an Impact: SSW Research Contributes to Ban on Corporal Punishment in Colombia

    PhD student Garrett Pace, Associate Professor Shawna Leeand Professor Andrew Grogan-Kaylor's research was cited in public policy discussions in Colombia, leading to a ban on corporal punishment of children in that country.  Colombian legislator Julián Peinado Ramírez shared his memo on Twitter, which references Grogan-Kaylor, Lee and Pace’s 2019 work. The research and ban were also featured on Radio Santa Fe 1070 AM Bogotá.

    Statement on Shooting Deaths in Boulder

    Once again, America has been devastated by another mass shooting. Yesterday in Colorado, ten people were killed — it is the second mass shooting in less than a week.  

    We extend our deepest condolences to the victims and their families, and to the communities in and around Boulder, Colorado.  Senseless violence not only robs us of loved ones but also our sense of security.

    We encourage our Michigan Social Work community to seek the support or counseling they need to address their own trauma. Check in with your networks, come together and remind each other of the power of human connection in terrible times. 

    Social workers are fed up with the pervasiveness and normalization of gun violence. We must act on behalf of our communities to denounce acts of hatred and violence, and to demand meaningful reform to end this epidemic of gun violence plaguing our nation.

    To take action: 

    Tools for Social Workers to Prevent Gun Violence: Safe Storage of Guns in the Home, Extreme Risk Protection Orders, and Other Methods of Gun Violence Prevention

    • March 23, 2021
    Statement on Shootings in Georgia

    Dear Community,

    We are appalled by the shooting deaths in Atlanta at three different locations where 6 of the 8 dead were Asian American women. Given the country is in the midst of an epidemic of rising anti-Asian sentiment and hate crimes, we urge authorities to investigate whether these killings are racially motivated hate crimes.

    Irrespective of motive, the outcome remains the same, and we are here to offer our support and solidarity with you during this time. Violence against some of us, harms us all, and we know this incident will have a significant impact on our students, faculty, staff, and community.

    Our community is grieving and hurting, which is why it is important for us to take time to address our trauma, grief, erasure, and most importantly, HEALING. This is complex, difficult, and necessary work. We urge you to seek self-care and support (resources below), and to report hate if you or someone you know experiences it (see below).

    Please reach out to us or the resources below with any support you need during this time.


    Ayesha Ghazi Edwin, Lecturer and ENGAGE Program Manager, Chair of the Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission
    Lorraine Gutierrez, Associate Dean for Educational Programs
    Lynn Videka, Dean
    Katie Lopez, Director of Office of Global Activities

    • March 18, 2021
  6. Rogério Meireles Pinto
    Rogério M. Pinto Named Educator of the Month by CSWE’s Diversity Center

    Professor Rogério M. Pinto is the Council on Social Work Education Diversity Center’s Educator of the Month. The accompanying article discusses his scholarly approach to incorporating arts into his research as well as his work advancing intersectionality and championing diversity. The profile also covers  the online COVID and Racial Inequalities Forum series Pinto hosted last summer, and links to his presentation “Diversity Matters: What About Equity & Inclusion?”

  7. Karen M. StallerBriana N. Starks
    Karen Staller, Briana Starks and Håvard Aaslund Co-edit Recent Special Double Issue of Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice

    Associate Professor Karen Staller, Joint PhD Social Work and Sociology Student Briana Starks and Visiting Scholar Håvard Aaslund co-edited the recent special double issue of Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice, “Reflections on a Pandemic: Disruptions, Distractions, and Discoveries.” The double issue contains 86 reflexive essays submitted by authors from 35 different countries (and every continent except Antarctica).  Taken together, the essays paint a portrait of the breadth and depth of social work during the earliest months of the historic pandemic from every corner of the globe. Other U-M contributors to the issue include Assistant Professor Odessa Gonzalez Benson, and current doctoral students in Joint PhD Social Work and Sociology Finn Bell and Angela Perone.

    Social Work Month 2021

    In a time of unprecedented crisis and loss, we have seen members of our community rise to the challenge. Social work practitioners, educators, researchers and leaders are serving on the front lines, developing solutions and reaching out to ensure the most vulnerable voices are heard. Social workers are essential. We stand up, we speak out, we promote advocacy and legislation to improve lives.

    • March 1, 2021
  9. Matthew J. Smith
    Matt Smith’s Virtual Training Research Helping Young People with Autism

    Associate Professor Matt Smith’s research on how virtual training can help young people with autism is featured in Disability Scoop. “Virtual Interview Training for Transition Age Youth appears to be effective at teaching job interview skills that are associated with accessing competitive jobs,” he says.

    Funds Available to Support Student Projects for Anti-Racism Work

    The School of Social Work invites grant applications from MSW and PhD students to support individual student projects for anti-racism work, with a specific focus on confronting anti-Blackness, racism against Indigenous peoples and confronting white supremacy. The goal is to inclusively support students working within SSW or in communities seeking to confront racism to the greatest degree possible. 

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