His study is featured in the Michigan Chronicle ( http://goo.gl/0ggo2 ), WWJ ( http://goo.gl/OHNRe ) and Spero News ( http://goo.gl/u9rFc ).
The paper examines:
-- internet banging within the context of gang violence, paying close attention to the mechanisms and processes
-- the role of hip-hop in the development of internet banging and highlight the changing roles of both hip hop and computer mediated communication as social representations of life in violent communities
-- the presentation of urban masculinity and its influence on social media behavior
Asst. Prof. Kristin Seefeldt was a guest on National Public Radio's On Point with Tom Ashbrook. The show focused on though times and the American debt crisis.
You can also listen to the broadcast in streaming audio ( http://onpoint.wbur.org/section/radio ) by browsing or searching the online archive.
Kristin Seefeldt discussed her research on the consequences of carrying debt in the New York Times, Life in the Red.
Mieko Yoshihama has been selected as a 2013 Sarah Goddard Power Award recipient The award recognizes her years of distinguished leadership, research and scholarship. Yoshihama has made significant contributions to the development of the status of women as evidenced in her teaching, mentoring and research at U-M and globally.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106