Associate Dean for Research and Professor Joe Himle’s article, “A long-term follow-up of group behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in a general outpatient clinic in Norway” was published in the Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.
Sallie Foley, LEO Lecturer and Director of the Sexual Health Certificate Program, will be recognized with the Professional Standard of Excellence Award this weekend at the annual conference of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) in Las Vegas. She is being recognized by her peers as a competent and accomplished colleague, an expert in his/her field, and an exemplary bearer of the standards of professional and personal ethics.
Associate Professor Daphne Watkins is on the Internal Advisory Committee and serves as a Faculty Mentor for the School of Public Health's Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture, and Health. She and Professor Linda Chatters, program director, participated in the NIH Site Visit for the training grant renewal this week.
Professor Richard Tolman's article, "Gender matters: Experiences and consequences of digital dating abuse victimization in adolescent dating relationships" was published in the Journal of Adolescence.
Adjunct Assistant Professor Rona Carter is the recipient of the Carolyn Payton Early Career Award for Research. The award recognizes a researcher who is making a major contribution to the understanding of the role of gender in the lives of black women and girls. She will be recognized at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Convention in August.
Professor Brad Zebrack’s Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) project's Pre-Conference Research Institute at the Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Meeting was highlighted in the May issue of the PCORI Engagement Award Program Monthly Digest.
Assistant Professor David Córdova’s article, “Who Counts as Family? Family Typologies, Family Support, and Family Undermining Among Young Adult Gay and Bisexual Men” was published in Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
Associate Professor Andy Grogan-Kaylor’s article, “Ethno-Racial Differences in Children's Attitudes and Beliefs About Violence” was published in Violence and Victims.
Assistant Professor David Córdova's article, "Racial and ethnic trends in illicit drug use and binge drinking among adolescent and young adult offenders in the United States" was published in the Journal of Criminal Justice.
Associate Dean for Research and Professor Joe Himle’s article, “Self-Management of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in the long-term after therapy-a focus group interview” was published in the European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106