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  1. Andrew C. Grogan-Kaylor
    Andrew Grogan-Kaylor’s Research Cited in MSN News

    Professor Andrew Grogan-Kaylor’s research was cited in an article in MSN News on the detrimental effects physical punishment can have on children’s mental health. Grogan-Kaylor’s research found that kids who are spanked more often are more likely to defy their parents and experience an increase in anti-social behavior. They are also at an increased risk for developing aggression, mental health problems and cognitive difficulties.

  2. Daphne C. Watkins
    Daphne Watkins Quoted in Forbes on Changing Narratives in Mental Health

    Professor Daphne Watkins spoke with Forbes about how “Invisible Game,” a new video series of in-depth conversations with celebrated athletes, is helping to create new narratives about mental health, particularly among Black boys and men.

    “Not only has this experience been healing for the athletes and celebrities themselves but we’re beginning to hear a lot of positive feedback from people who are watching the series who are feeling like, if this person I admire and look up to has had this experience and they’re brave enough to come forward and speak about it, maybe I can too,” said Watkins.

  3. Robert Joseph  Taylor
    Robert Joseph Taylor Interviewed by WEMU About African American Friendships

    Professor Robert Joseph Taylor spoke with WEMU about how unmarried African Americans form family-like relationships with their close friends to fulfill each other’s needs. “In general, women are closer to their friends than men and there are some differences in terms of friendship contact.”

  4. Lexx  Brown-James
    Lexx Brown-James Speaks with SELF Magazine About Temperature Play

    Lexx Brown-James, director of the School’s Sexual Health Certificate Program, spoke with SELF magazine about how to incorporate temperature play into your sex life.

  5. Fernanda L. Cross
    Fernanda Cross Receives Career Development Grant

    Assistant Professor Fernanda Cross received a K01 Career Development grant from the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities for her project entitled “Enlace Familiar: Combating Mental Health Stigma, Improving Mental Health Literacy, Supporting Mental Health Discussions at Home, and Access to Care among Latinx Adolescents from Mixed Status Families.”

    “This funding will allow me to both learn about intervention development and then develop and test an intervention to increase access to mental health treatment among Latinx adolescents from mixed-status families,” said Cross. “I am very excited because this will be one of the few interventions that specifically focus on mixed-status families and it will respond to an important community identified need.”

  6. Terri L. Friedline
    Terri Friedline’s Research on the Connection Between Race and Financial Services Featured in DBusiness

    Professor Terri Friedline’s research on how financial institution locations are influenced by a neighborhood’s racial composition is featured in DBusiness. Friedline’s study analyzed the placement of banks, credit unions and alternative financial services — such as payday lenders — in six Detroit area counties. Her research shows that banks and credit unions tend to withdraw from areas as Black populations grow, whereas alternative financial services target these areas. 

    “Some may argue that payday lenders open storefronts in ways that respond to market demand, but this argument is rooted in a disingenuous interpretation of demand,” said Friedline.

  7. Ayesha Ghazi Edwin
    Ayesha Ghazi Edwin Receives 2024 James T. Neubacher Award

    Clinical Assistant Professor Ayesha Ghazi Edwin is the recipient of the 2024 James T. Neubacher Award. The annual U-M award is presented to a student, alumn, faculty or staff member who has exhibited leadership and service in support of the disability community.

    “I am deeply honored to receive the James T. Neubacher Award. This recognition reflects the work of so many people committed to disability justice within our university and community. My journey as an advocate began with my own experiences as a student facing new health challenges, and it has grown through partnerships with incredible students, community members and colleagues at the School of Social Work. These experiences have also guided my work on the Ann Arbor City Council, where I strive to help create a more accessible and inclusive community. I am grateful to contribute to our shared work of building spaces where all of us can thrive.”

  8. Anao ZhangRachel E. Brandon
    Anao Zhang and Rachel Brandon Receive Children’s Cancer Research Fund Grant

    Associate Professor Anao Zhang and PhD student Rachel Brandon are part of a team that recently received a grant from the Children's Cancer Research Fund. Their project evaluates the virtual delivery of a strength-based psychological treatment to young adults with cancer.   

    “We are excited to receive this grant and conduct a pilot clinical trial at Michigan Medicine's Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Program,” said Zhang. “It is also very exciting to involve Rachel Brandon, a joint social work and psychological doctoral student, as a study co-investigator and project coordinator to further boost the implementation of the trial.”

    • October 23, 2024
  9. Fatima Salman
    Fatima Salman Appointed Vice President of the National Association of Social Workers

    ENGAGE Program Manager Fatima Salman, MSW ’15, has been appointed Vice President of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Previously, Salman was president of the NASW Michigan Chapter and chair of the NASW Council of Chapter Presidents.

    “I am excited to step into the role of vice president of this very critical organization that serves all social workers in the country,” said Salman. “I look forward to bringing my diverse background and strong skill sets to this organization and hope to be an asset as we champion social justice and empower social workers. I also am happy to be able to represent the University of Michigan School of Social Work —the top social work school in the country — in this national role.”

  10. Abigail H. EilerRichard M. TolmanAddie Weaver
    ENGAGE 2024 Small Grant Recipients Announced

    In 2018, ENGAGE launched the Small Grants Program to encourage faculty to build partnerships with Detroit community-based organizations and to support resident-led efforts to strengthen Detroit neighborhoods. These awards are supported by the Office of the Provost and are part of the School of Social Work’s strategic effort to connect Detroit engagement efforts and increase impact in the city. ENGAGE partners with the School of Public Health’s Detroit Urban Research Center in the administration of the small grants program. Here are this year’s grant recipients:


    1. “Empowering Detroit Together: Building Community Impact Partnerships”
      Faculty Member: Clinical Associate Professor Abigail Eiler
      Community Partner: Yusef Shakur, Co-Executive Director, Michigan Roundtable
    2. “Black Ecclesiastical Intervention to Help Equip Affected Lives Enduring Mental Disorders (BE HEALED)”
      Faculty Members: Professor Rich Tolman and Associate Professor Addie Weaver
      Community Partner: Pastor Charles Williams, Community Investigator
    • October 14, 2024

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