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Third Century Initiative Grant Recipients Announced

March 21, 2014

The Third Century Initiative (TLTC) is a plan from the U-M President and Provost to develop innovative, multi-disciplinary approaches to teaching and scholarship at the U-M – Ann Arbor. The overall goal of the Third Century Initiative is to stimulate creative thinking among students and faculty, and to develop programs that will intensify learning experiences in and beyond the classroom.

Leslie Hollingsworth and Desmond Patton received a TLTC grant to fund a proposal for student engagement in the creation of a model for enhancing preparation for effective social work services for African American families.

Beth Sherman, Kathleen Faller and Robert Ortega received a TLTC grant to enhance school performance of marginalized and trauma-affected adolescents.

Katie Richards-Schuster received a TLTC grant for a CASC minor student retreat.

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