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School of Social Work Research Publications for John E. Tropman

  1. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book To get the job done: Readings in leadership and management]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2(1).
  2. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book Shifting involvements: Private interest and public action]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2(1).
  3. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book Stogdill's handbook of leadership: A survey of theory and research]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2(1).
  4. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book Discretion and welfare]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2(1).
  5. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book The strategy of equality]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2(1).
  6. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book Poverty and the development of anti-poverty policy in the U.K.]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2(1).
  7. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book Rural community development]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1(4).
  8. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book Jobs for disadvantaged workers]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1(4).
  9. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book Planning and policy]. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1(4).
  10. Tropman, J. E. (1982). [Review of the book Social security financing]. Policy Studies Journal, 10.
  11. Tropman, J. E. (1982). A contest of values: A cultural history of approaches toward alcohol. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 9(4), 203-219.
  12. Tropman, J. E. (1982). The decision group: Ways to improve the qualities of meetings and decisions. Human Systems Management, 3.
  13. Tropman, J. E. (1981, March). Performance rules sharpen board committee roles. Directors' Digest, 40, 3.
  14. Tropman, J. E. (1981, July/August). [Review of the book Marxism, ideology and literature]. Sociology: Reviews of New Books, 8(5).
  15. Tropman, J. E. (1981). Boards of Directors [Monograph]. Aurora Associates and Department of Health and Human Services.
  16. Tropman, J. E., & McClure, J. (1981). Beyond policies of rectification: The need for a comprehensive assessment of the elderly poor [Monograph]. In R. F. Clark (Ed.), Policy Issues for the Elderly Poor (C.S.A. Pamphlet 6172-8). Washington Community Services Administration.
  17. Tropman, J. E. (1981). Societal values and social policy. In G. T. Martin & H. Zald (Eds.), Social Welfare in Society. New York: Columbia University Press.
  18. Tropman, J. E. (1981). The policy committee. In J. E. Tropman, et al. (Eds.), New Strategic Perspectives on Social Policy. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press.
  19. Tropman, J. E. (1981). The relationship between staffer roles and policy committees. In J. E. Tropman, et al. (Eds.), New Strategic Perspectives on Social Policy. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press.
  20. Tropman, J. E. (1981). Value conflicts and decision making. Community Development Journal, 16, 3.
  21. Tropman, J. E. (1981). Copping out or chipping in. The Humanist.
  22. Tropman, J. E. (1981). New Strategic Perspectives on Social Policy. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press.
  23. Tropman, J. E. (1980, November 23). Demythologizing the elderly. Japan Times.
  24. Tropman, J. E. (1980). [Review of the book The welfare industry]. Sociology: Reviews of New Books, 7(4).
  25. Tropman, J. E., & McClure, J. (1980). Values dualism and social policy affecting the elderly. Policy Studies Journal [Special Issue], 9, 4.


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