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School of Social Work Research Publications for John E. Tropman

  1. Tropman, J., Blackburn, J., Fischer, D. & Hodge., J. (2021). The White House as a Field Placement: Reflections on the Past, and a Future for Policy and Political Practice. National Association of Social Workers.
  2. Tropman, J. E., & Tillotson, A. (2014). Early responders, late responders, and non-responders: The principal-agent problem in board oversight of nonprofit CEOs. Human Services Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance, 38(4).
  3. Tropman, J. (2014). Effective Meetings: Improving Group Decision Making. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
  4. Tropman, J. & Harvey, T. (2013). Nonprofit Governance: What to Do and How to Do It. ACTA Press.
  5. Tropman, J. & Wooten, L. (2013). The 7C approach to executive leadership in the 21st century. Administration in Social Work, 37, 325-328.
  6. Tropman, J. (2012). Successful Community Governance and Organization (2nd ed.). NASW Press.
  7. Tropman, J. (2012). Successful Community Leadership and Organization (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers.
  8. Tropman, J. E., & Nicklett, E. J. (2012). Balancing the budget through social exploitation: Why hard times are even harder for some. Advances in Applied Sociology, 2(2), 111-119.
  9. Tropman, J. E., & Nicklett, E. J. (2012). Organizational theory. In B. A. Thyer, K. M. Sowers & C. N. Dulmus (Eds.), Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Theories for Social Work Practice. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
  10. Tropman, J. (2010). [Review of the book A Complex Delight: the Secularization of the Breast]. Implicit Religion, 13(3), 1350-1750.
  11. Tropman, J., & Wooten, L. (2010). Executive leadership: A 7C approach. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 8(4).
  12. Tropman, J. E. (2010). The history of the MSW/MBA program at the University of Michigan: 1987-2009. Shukutoku Research Bulletin, Special Issue 41-56.
  13. Gonzalez, R. P., Faller, K. C., Ortega, R. M., & Tropman, J. (2009). Exit interviews with departed child welfare workers: Preliminary findings. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 3(1), 40-63.
  14. Tropman, J. (2009). High performance teams: Having effective and efficient meetings. Effective Executive 39-44. The Icfai University Press.
  15. Tropman, J., & Harvey, T. (2009). Nonprofit Governance: The Why, What, and How of Nonprofit Boardship. Lakeville, IN: Corby Books.
  16. Tropman, J. E. (2008). Organizational theory. In K. M. Sowers & C. N. Dulmus (Eds.), The Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare.
  17. Tropman, J. E., Winfield, R., & Tropman, P. (2008). When illness comes to the corner office. Directors and Boards, 3, 28-30.
  18. Rothman, J., Erlich, J. L., & Tropman, J. E. (Eds.). (2007). Strategies of Community Intervention (7th ed.).
  19. Tropman, J. E. (2007). Conducting effective meetings - A short guide for meeting managers and meeting participants. In D. Whetten, & K. Cameron (Eds.), Developing Management Skills (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  20. Tropman, J. E., & Stotzer, R. L. (2006). Professionalizing social work at the national level. Affilia, 21(1), 9-27.
  21. Tropman, J. E., Woolley, M. E., Zhu, L., & Smith, R. (2006). When supervisor and supervisee are of different disciplines: Guidelines and resources. In C. Franklin, M. B. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for School-based Professionals 1147-1156. New York: Oxford Press.
  22. Woolley, M. E., Zhu, Smith, & Tropman, J. E. (2005). Supervising among different disciplines. School Social Work and Mental Health Worker's Training and Resource Manual.
  23. Tropman, J. E. (2005). Supervision and Management in Nonprofits and Human Services: How Not to Become the Administrator You Always Hated. Eddie Bowers Publishing.
  24. Tropman, J. E. (2004). Theoretical perspectives in group work. In C. D. Garvin, M. J. Galenski, & L. M. Guttierez (Eds.), Handbook of Social Work with Groups. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  25. Tropman, J. E., Faller, K. C., & Feldt, S. (2004). Essentials of Supervisory Skills for Child Welfare Managers [Monograph]. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan School of Social Work.


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