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School of Social Work Research Publications for Lisa M. Wexler

  1. Wexler, L. (2011). Behavioral health services "don't work for us": Cultural incongruities in human service systems for Alaska Native communities. American Journal of Community Psychology, 47(1-2), 157-169.
  2. Wexler, L. & Burke, T. (2011). Cultural identity, multicultural competence and resilience: A pilot study of Alaska Native students' experience at university. Journal of American Indian Education, 50(2), 44-64.
  3. Ulturgasheva, O., Wexler, L., Kral, M. J., Allen, J., Mohatt, G. V., Nystad, K., & CIPA Team (2011). Navigating international, interdisciplinary, collaborative inquiry: Phase 1 process in the circumpolar indigenous pathways to adulthood project. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 4(1), 75-87.
  4. Wexler, L. (2011). Intergenerational dialogue exchange and action: Introducing a community-based approach to connect youth, adults and elders in an Alaska Native community. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 10(3), 248-264.
  5. Wexler, L. (2009). Identifying colonial discourses in Inupiat young people's narratives as a way to understand the no future of Inupiat Youth suicide. Journal of American Indian Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 16(1), 1-24.
  6. Wexler, L. (2009). The importance of identity, culture, and history in the study of indigenous youth wellness. The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, 2(2), 267-278.
  7. Wexler, L., DiFluvio, G., & Burke, T. (2009). Resilience and marginalized youth: Making a case for personal and collective meaning-making as part of resilience research in public health. Social Science and Medicine, 69(4), 565-570.
  8. Wexler, L., Hill, R., Bertone-Johnson, E. & Fenaughty, A. (2008). Correlates of Alaska Native fatal and non-fatal suicidal behaviors, 1990-2001. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 38(3), 311-320.
  9. Wexler, L. & Graves, K. (2008). The importance of culturally-responsive training for building a behavioral health workforce in Alaska Native villages: A case study from northwest Alaska. Special SAMSHA issue of the Journal of Rural Mental Health, 32(3), 22-33.
  10. Hill, R., Perkins, R., & Wexler, L. (2007). An analysis of hospital visits during the 12 months preceding suicide death in Northern Alaska. Alaska Medicine, 49(1), 16-21.
  11. Hagan, K., Hill, R., & Wexler, L. (2007). The prevention of suicide in Alaska's tribal health care setting. Primary Care: Indian Health Service, 32(7), 198-201.
  12. Wexler, L. (2006). Learning resistance: Inupiat and the US Bureau of Education, 1885-1906 - Deconstructing assimilation strategies and implications for today. Journal of American Indian Education, 45(1), 17-34.
  13. Wexler, L. (2006). Inupiat youth suicide and culture loss: Changing community conversations. Social Science and Medicine, 63(11), 2938-2948.
  14. Wexler, L. & Goodwin, B. (2006). Youth and adult community member beliefs about Inupiat youth suicide and prevention. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 65(5), 28-38.
  15. Allen, J., Wexler, L., Apok, C. A., Black, J., Cueva, K., Hollingsworth, C., McEachern, D., Peter,E., Ullrich, J. S., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Lee, K., Fok, C. C. T., Berman, M., Rataj, S.,ANCHRR Research Steering Committee, & Rasmus, S. (in press). Community-level Protective Factors in the Prevention of Indigenous Suicide: Enlarging a Definition of Cultural Continuity in Rural Alaska Native Communities. Prevention Science.
  16. Rasmus, S., Wexler, L., & Allen, J. (in press). Examining community-level social determinants of Alaska Native suicide risk and protection: an Indigenous knowledge-informed extension of the legacy of Michael Chandler. Transcultural Psychiatry.


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