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School of Social Work Research Publications for Lisa M. Wexler

  1. Lee, H. W., Melson, M. Ivanich, J., Habecker, P., Gauthier, G. R., Wexler, L., Khan, B., & Dombrowski, K. (2018). Mapping the structure of perceptions in helping networks of Alaska Natives. PLoS ONE, 13(11).
  2. Lee, H. W., Gauthier, G. R., Ivanich, J. D., Wexler, L., Khan, B., & Dombrowski, K. (2018). A statistical framework for network-based measurement of the social effectiveness of interventions in community-based participatory research. PLoS ONE.
  3. Wexler, L., Poudel-Tandukar, K., Rataj, S., Trout, L., Poudel, K. C., Woods, M., & Chachamovich, E. (2017). Preliminary evaluation of a school-based youth leadership and prevention program in rural Alaska Native communities. School Mental Health, 9(2), 172-183.
  4. Weinronk, H., Wexler, L., Trout, L., Rowlet, K., Klakegg, I., Zhen, S., Valenzuela, S., & Moses, J. (2017). New understandings of ourselves and communities: Community-based participatory research with Alaska Native and Lower 48 youth. Educational Action Research Journal, 26(3), 439-455.
  5. Curran, T. & Wexler, L. (2017). School-based positive youth development: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of School Health, 87(1), 71-80.
  6. Wexler, L., Trout, L., Rataj, S., Kirk, T., Moto, R. & McEachern, D. (2017). Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide: Learning and behavioural outcomes of a training-of trainers model to facilitate grassroots community health education to address Indigenous youth suicide prevention. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 76(1).
  7. Silveira, M. L., Wexler, L., Chamberlain, J., Money, K., Spencer, R. M. C., Reich, N. G., & Bertone-Johnson, E. R. (2016). Seasonality of suicide behavior in Northwest Alaska: 1990–2009. Public Health, 137, 35-43.
  8. Wexler, L., Dam, H. T., Silvius, K., Mazziotti, J., & Bamikole, I. (2016). Protective factors of Native youth: findings from a self-report survey in rural Alaska. Journal of Youth Studies, 19(3), 358-373.
  9. Wexler, L., McEachern, D., DiFulvio, G., Smith, C., Graham, L. F., & Dombrowski, K. (2016). Creating a community of practice to prevent suicide through multiple channels: describing the theoretical foundations and structured learning of PC CARES. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 36(2), 115-122.
  10. Eglinton, K., Gubrium, A., & Wexler, L. (2016). Digital storytelling as arts-inspired inquiry for engaging, understanding, and supporting indigenous youth. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 18(5),
  11. Wexler, L., White, J., & Trainor, B. (2015). Why an alternative to suicide prevention gatekeeper training is needed for rural Indigenous communities: Presenting an empowering community storytelling approach. Critical Public Health, 25(2), 205-217.
  12. Wexler, L. & Gone, J. P. (2015). Exploring alternatives for indigenous suicide prevention: Responding to cultural understandings and practices. In J. White, I. Marsh, M. Kral, & J. Morris (Eds.), [Suicide and] Suicide Prevention: Critical Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
  13. Wexler, L., & Eglinton, K. (2015). Reconsidering youth well-being as fluid and relational: A dynamic process at the intersection of their physical and social geographies. In H. Cahill & J. Wyn (Eds.), Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Springer Reference.
  14. Wexler, L., Chandler, M., Gone, J., Cwik, M., Kirmayer, L., LaFromboise, T., Brockie, T., O’Keefe, V., Walkup, J., & Allen, J. (2015). Advancing suicide prevention research with rural American Indian and Alaska Native populations. American Journal of Public Health, 105(5), 891-899.
  15. Wexler, L., Eglinton, K., & Gubrium, A. (2014). Using digital stories to understand the lives of Alaska Native young people. Youth and Society, 46(4), 478-504.
  16. Wexler, L., Jernigan, K., Mazziotti, J., Baldwin, E., Griffin, M., Joule, L., Garoutte, J. & CIPA (2014). Lived challenges and getting through them: Alaska Native youth narratives as a way to understand resilience. Health Promotion Practice, 15(1), 10-17.
  17. Wexler, L. (2014). Looking across three generations of Alaska Natives to explore how culture fosters indigenous resilience. Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(1), 73-92.
  18. Willox, A. C., Stephenson, E., Allen, J., Bourque, F., Drossos, A., Elgarøy, S., & Wexler, L. (2014). Examining relationships between climate change and mental health in the Circumpolar North. Regional Environmental Change, 15(1), 169-182.
  19. Wexler, L, Joule, L., Garoutte, J., Mazziotti, J., Baldwin, E., Griffin, M., Jernigan, K. & Hopper, K. (2014). "Being responsible, respectful, trying to keep the traditional alive:" Cultural resilience and growing up in an Alaska Native community. Special Issue Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(5), 693-712.
  20. Allen, J., Hopper, K., Wexler, L., Kral, M., Rasmus, S., & Nystad, K. (2014). Mapping resilience pathways of indigenous youth in five circumpolar communities. Special Issue Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(5), 601-631.
  21. Ulturgasheva, O., Rasmus, S., Wexler, L., Kral, M. J., & CIPA Team (2014). Indigenous youth resilience and vulnerability: Comparative analysis of adolescent experiences across five circumpolar communities. Special Issue Transcultural Psychiatry, 51(5), 735-756.
  22. Wexler, L., Moses, J., Hopper, K., Joule, L., & Garoutte, J. (2013). Central role of relatedness in Alaska Native youth resilience: Preliminary themes from one site of the Circumpolar Indigenous Pathways to Adulthood (CIPA) Study. American Journal of Community Psychology, 52(3-4), 393-405.
  23. Wexler, L. & Gone, J. (2012). Culturally responsive suicide prevention in indigenous communities: Unexamined assumptions and new possibilities. American Journal of Public Health, 102(5), 800-806.
  24. Wexler, L., Silveira, M. L., & Bertone-Johnson, E. (2012). Factors associated with Alaska Native fatal and nonfatal suicidal behaviors 2001-2009: Considering trends and discussing implications for prevention. Archives of Suicide Research, 16(4), 273-286.
  25. Wexler, L., Gubrium, A., Griffin, M., & Difulvio, G. (2012). Promoting positive youth development and highlighting reasons for living in northwest Alaska through digital storytelling. Health Promotion Practice, 14(4), 617-623.


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