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School of Social Work Research Publications for Lorraine M. Gutiérrez

  1. Gutierrez, L. M., Kruzich, J., Jones, T., & Coronado, N. (2000). Identifying goals and outcome measures for diversity training: A multi-dimensional framework for decision-makers. Administration in Social Work, 24(3), 53-70.
  2. Gutierrez, L. M., Yeakley, A., & Ortega, R. (2000). Educating students for social work with Latinos: Issues for the new millennium. Journal of Social Work Education, 36, 541-557.
  3. Gutierrez, L. M., Oh, H., & Gillmore, M. (2000). Toward an understanding of (Em)Power(Ment) for HIV/AIDS prevention with adolescent women. Sex Roles, 42(7/8), 581-611.
  4. Gutierrez, L. M., & Nagda, B. (2000). A praxis and research agenda for multicultural human service organizations. International Journal of Social Welfare, 9(1), 43-52.
  5. Gutierrez, L. M., & Alvarez, A. R. (2000). Educating students for multicultural community practice. Journal of Community Practice, 7(1), 39-56.
  6. Gutierrez, L., & Lewis, E. (1999). Strengthening communities through groups: A multicultural perspective. In H. Bertcher, L. Kurtz & A. Lamont (Eds.), Rebuilding Communities: Challenges for Group Work 5-16. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
  7. Ortega, R. M., Gutierrez, L. M., Glover-Reed, B., & Lewis, E. A. (1999). Social work with groups. In J. Figueroa-McDonough, E. Netting, A. Nichols-Casebolt (Eds.), Integrating Gender in the Social Work Core Curriculum: A Compendium of Model Syllabi. CSWE Publication.
  8. Lewis, E. A., Gutierrez, L., Ortega, R., & Reed, B. (1999). Sample course outline: Social work with groups. In J. Figueira-McDonough, F. E. Netting, A. Nichols-Casebolt (Eds.), Integrating Gender in the Social Work Core Curriculum: A Collection of Course Outlines. Alexandria, VA.: CSWE Press.
  9. Gutierrez, L. M., & Lewis, E. (1999). Empowering Women of Color. New York: Columbia University Press.
  10. Gutierrez, L. M., Fredricksen, K., & Soifer, S. (1999). Perspectives of social work faculty on diversity and societal oppression content: Results from a national survey. Journal of Social Work Education, 35(3), 409-419.
  11. Astor, R. A., & Gutierrez, L. (1999). Editorial: Gender, schools, and school social workers. Social Work in Education, 21(4), 195-200.
  12. Gutierrez, L., & Lewis, E. A. (1998). Strengthening communities through group work. In H. Bertcher (Ed.), Annual Conference Proceedings: Association for Social Work With Groups. Ann Arbor: School of Social Work, University of Michigan.
  13. Gutierrez, L., & Lord, C. (1998). Toward a social constructionist method for community practice. In P. Nurius & C. Franklin (Eds.), Constructivism in Practice: Methods and Challenges 279-290. Milwaukee: Families International.
  14. Gutierrez, L. (1998). Reflecting on reflections: Current, emerging and future trends for community organization practice. In J. Rothman (Ed.), Reflections on Community Organization: Enduring Themes and Critical Issues. Itasca IL: Peacock Press.
  15. Lewis, E. A., Gutierrez, L., Reed, B. G., & Ortega, R. (1998). Teaching about groups in a gendered world: Toward curricular transformation in group work education. In J. Figueira-McDonough, A. Nichols-Casebolt, & E. Netting (Eds.), The Role of Gender in Practice Knowledge: Reclaiming Half of the Human Experience 170-204. New York: Garland.
  16. Gutierrez, L. M. (1998). Macro practice for the 21st century: An empowerment perspective. In D. Tucker, C. Garvin, & R. Sarri (Eds.), Social Work and Social Science: An Integration. Westview Press.
  17. Gutierrez, L. M., Parsons, R., & Cox, E. (1998). Empowerment in Social Work Practice: A Sourcebook. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
  18. Gutierrez, L. M., & Lewis, E. (1997). Education, participation, and capacity building in community organizing with women of color. In M. Minkler (Ed.), Community Organizing and Community Building for Health 216-229. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
  19. Gutierrez, L. M. (1997). Multicultural community organizing: Social work's role in the 21st century. In E. Gambrill & M. Reisch (Eds.), Social Work Practice in the Twenty-First Century. Pine Forge Press.
  20. Gillmore, M. R., Morrison, D., Richey, C., Balassone, M, Gutierrez, L., & Farris, M. (1997). Effects of a skill-based intervention to encourage condom use among high risk heterosexually active adolescents. AIDS Prevention and Education, 9(1), 22-43.
  21. Gutierrez, L. M., Richey, C., Gillmore, M. R., Balassone, M., & Hartway, J. (1997). Developing and implementing a group skill training intervention to reduce AIDS risk among sexually active adolescents in detention. Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education for Adolescents and Children, 1(1), 71-103.
  22. Gutierrez, L. M., & Nagda, B. (1996). The multi-cultural imperative in human services organizations: Issues for the 21st century. In P. Raffoul, & A. McNeece (Eds.), Future Issues for Social Work Practice 203-213. New York: Allyn & Bacon.
  23. Gutierrez, L. M., & Gant, L. (1996). Effects of culturally sophisticated agencies upon Latino social workers. Social Work, 41(6), 624-632.
  24. Gutierrez, L. M., Alvarez, A. R., Nemon, H., & Lewis, E. (1996). Multicultural community organizing: A strategy for change. Social Work, 41(5), 501-508.
  25. Gutierrez, L. M., Ginorio, A., Cauce, A., & Acosta, M. (1995). Psychological issues for Latinas. In H. Landrine (Ed.), Cultural Diversity in Feminist Psychology. APA Press.


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