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School of Social Work Research Publications for Katie A. Schultz

  1. Schultz, K., Ivanich, J. D., Whitesell, N., Siciliano, M., & Zacher, T. (2024). Social networks of American Indian youth on a Northern Plains reservation. Connections, 148, 106198.
  2. Schultz, K., Ivanich, J. D., Whitesell, N., & Zacher, T. (2024). Tribal Reservation Adolescent Connections Study: A study protocol using mixed methods for examining social networks and associated outcomes among American Indian youth on a Northern Plains reservation. Child Abuse and Neglect, 148.
  3. Schultz, K., Taylor, E., McKinney, S., & Hamby, S. (2024). Exploring strengths, psychological functioning and youth victimization among American Indians and Alaska Natives in four southern states. Child Abuse and Neglect, 148.
  4. Beltran, R., Brown, D., Dunbar, A. Z., Schultz, K., & Fernandez, A. (2024). Indigenist abolition: A talk story on ideas and strategies for social work practice. In M. Kim, C. Rasmussen, & D. Washington (Eds.) Abolition and Social Work Possibilities, Paradoxes, and the Practice of Community Care 46-64. Haymarket Press.
  5. Asdigian, N. L., Tuitt, N., Mousseau, A. C., Ivanich, J. D., Schultz, K., Keane, E. M., Zacher, T.,Skinner, L., Red Willow Richards, F., Bear Robe, L., & Whitesell, N. R. (2023). Grounding evidence-based prevention within cultural context: Promising effects of substance use prevention adapted for American Indian families. Substance Use and Misuse, 58(8), 1004-1013.
  6. Tuitt, N. R., Ivanich, J., Mousseau, A., Schultz, K., Keane, E., Asdigian, N. L., & Whitesell, N. R. (2023). Preliminary findings on social networks of American Indian parents participating in a family based substance use prevention program with their children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32, 2322-2330.
  7. Hamby, S., Hervey, G., Land, J., & Schultz, K. (2023). A qualitative exploration of institutional betrayals in rural communities: An emerging typology. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 24(5), 655-673.
  8. Renn, T., Moore, J., Schultz, K., & Veeh, C. A. (2023). Comparing behavioral health outcomes and treatment utilization of justice-involved and non-justive-involved American Indian and Alaska Natives adults. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 11(2), 685-695.
  9. O-Keefe, V. M., Maudrie, T. L., Cole, A. B., Ullrich, J. S., Fish, J., Hill, K. X., White, L. A., Redvers, N., Jernigan, V. B. B., Lewis, J. P., West, A. E., Apok, C. A., White, E. J., Ivanich, J. D., Schultz, K., Lewis, M. E., Sarche, M. C., Gonzalez, M. B., Parker, M., & Walls, M. L. (2023). Conceptualizing indigenous strengths-based health and wellness research using group concept mapping. Archives of Public Health, 81, 71.
  10. Ivanich, J., Ullrich, J. S., Martin, T. K. K., Marshall, M., Schultz, K., White, E., Barlow, A.,Fitzgerald, H., Okamoto, S. K., Sparrow, J., Sarche, M., & Whitesell, N. R. (2023). The Indigenous connectedness framework for understanding the causes, consequences, and solutions to substance misuse in Indigenous children's development. Adversity and Resilience Science, 4(4), 335-341.
  11. Friedline, T., Cross, F., Doyle, K., Lacombe-Duncan, A., & Schultz, K. (2023). Dismantling white supremacy and promoting anti-racism in social work research, teaching, and service: tensions, paradoxes and a collective response. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 14(1), 87-99.
  12. Hamby, S. Schultz, K., & Taylor, E. (2023). Health-related quality of life among American Indian people: victimization, other adversities, and strengths. Health and Social Work, 48(2), 105-114.
  13. Schultz, K. & Spencer, M. S. (2023). Centering indigenous research & communities to advance anti-racist research. Journal for the Society of Social Work Research, 14(1), 105-114.129-149.
  14. Ivanich, J. D., & Schultz, K. (2022). A call or expansion and innovation in research on protective factors and suicide prevention among American Indian and Alaska Native populations. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 29(3), 219-222.
  15. Schultz, K. (2022). Centering intersectionality in the challenge to eliminate racism: learning from indigenous feminisms. In R.P. Barth, J. T. Messing, T. R. Shanks, & J. H. WIlliams Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society 2nd ed., 364-365.
  16. Fedina, L., Shyrokonis, Y., Backes, B., Schultz, K., Ashwell, L., Hafner, S., & Rosay, A. (2022). Intimate partner violence, economic insecurity, and health outcomes among American Indian and Alaska Native men and women: Findings from a national sample. Violence Against Women, 29(11), 2060-2079.
  17. Ortega-Williams, A., Beltrán, R., Schultz, K., Henderson, Z. R., Colón, L., & Teyra, C. (2021). An integrated historical trauma and posttraumatic growth framework: A cross-cultural exploration. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 22(2), 220-240.
  18. Schultz, K., Walls, M., & Grana, S. (2021). Intimate partner violence and health: The roles of social support and communal mastery in five American Indian communities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(13-14), NP6725-NP6746.
  19. Storer, H., Schultz, K., & Hamby, S. (2020). The role of gender in adolescent dating abuse: An interpretive meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature. Social Work, 65(4), 335-348.
  20. Schultz, K. & Noyes, E. (2020). “Then who are you?”: Young American Indian and Alaska Native women navigating cultural connectedness in dating and relationships. Geneaology, 4(4), 117.
  21. Fernandez, A. R., Evans-Campbell, T., Johnson-Jennings, M., Beltrán, R., Schultz, K., Stroud, S., & Walters, K. L. (2020). "Being on the walk put it somewhere in my body": The meaning of place in health for Indigenous women. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 30(1/2), 122-137.
  22. Hamby, S., Schultz, K., & Elm, J. (2019). Understanding the burden of trauma and victimization among American Indian and Alaska Native elders: Historical trauma as an element of poly-victimization. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 21(2), 172-186.
  23. Beltrán, R. E., Schultz, K., Fernandez, A., Walters, K. L., Duran, B., & Evans-Campbell, T. (2018). From ambivalence to revitalization: Negotiating cardiovascular health behaviors related to environmental and historical trauma in a Northwest American Indian community. American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 25(2), 103-128.
  24. Schultz, K., Teyra, C., Breiler, G., Evans-Campbell, T., & Pearson, C. (2018). “They gave me life”: Motherhood and recovery in a tribal community. Substance Use and Misuse, 53(12), 1965-1973.
  25. Schultz, K., Cattaneo, L. B., Sabina, C., Brunner, L., Jackson, S., & Serrata, J. V. (2016). Key roles of community connectedness in healing from trauma. Psychology of Violence, 6(1), 42-48.


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