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School of Social Work Research Publications for Brian E. Perron

  1. Kilbourne, A. M., Perron, B. E., Mezuk, B., Welsh, D., Ilgen, M., & Bauer, M. S. (2009). Co-occurring conditions and health-related quality of life in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71(8), 894-900.
  2. Vaughn, M. G., Fu, Q., Delisi, M., Beaver, K. M., Perron, B. E., Terrell, K., & Howard, M. O. (2009). Correlates of cruelty to animals in the United States: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 43(15), 1213-1218.
  3. Garland, E. L., Howard, M. O., & Perron, B. E. (2009). Nitrous oxide inhalant among adolescents: Prevalence, correlates, and co-occurrence with volatile solvent inhalation. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 41(4), 337-347.
  4. Vaughn, M. G., Beaver, K., DeLisi, M., Howard, M. O., & Perron, B. E. (2009). Dopamine D4 receptor gene associated with binge drinking phenotype. Alcohol, 43(3), 179-184.
  5. Perron, B., & Howard, M. O. (2009). Adolescent inhalant use, abuse, and dependence. Addiction, 104(7), 1185-1192.
  6. Perron, B. E., Jarman, C., & Kilbourne, A. M. (2009). Access to conventional mental health and medical care among users of complementary and alternative medicine with bipolar disorder. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(4), 287-290.
  7. Perron, B. E., Howard, M. O., Nienhuis, J. K., Bauer, M., Woodward, A., & Kilbourne, A. M. (2009). Prevalence and burden of general medical conditions among adults with bipolar-I disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 70(10), 1407-1415.
  8. Howard, M. O., & Perron, B. E. (2009). A survey of inhalant use disorder among delinquent youth: Prevalence, clinical features, and latent structure of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. BCM Psychiatry, 9(8).
  9. Perron, B. E., Howard, M. O., Maitra, S., & Vaughn, M. G. (2009). Prevalence, timing, and predictors of transitions from inhalant use to inhalant use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 100(3), 277-284.
  10. Delva. J., Dietz, N. A., Perron, B., Sanchez, N., & Woolley, M. E. (2009). Adult awareness of a youth-focused anti-tobacco campaign: Does having children matter? Substance Use and Misuse, 44(6), 763-774.
  11. Vaughn, M. G., Beaver, K., Delisi, M., & Perron, B. E. (2009). Gene-environment interplay and the importance of self-control in predicting substance-related problems. Addictive Behaviors, 34(1), 112-116.
  12. Perron, B., Zeber, J, Bauer, M., & Kilbourne, A. (2009). A brief measure of perceived clinician support by patients with bipolar spectrum disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(8), 574-579.
  13. Hasche, L., Perron, B. E., & Proctor, E. K. (2009). Making time for dissertation grants: Strategies for social work students and educators. Research on Social Work Practice, 19, 340-350.
  14. Nienhuis, J. K., & Perron, B. (2008). Inpatient versus outpatient. In P. Korsmeyer & F. Kranzler (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior (3rd ed.). MacMillan Reference USA.
  15. Perron, B., & Bender, K. (2008). Groups for persons with co-occuring psychiatric and substance use disorders. In A. Gitterman & R. Salmon (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Social Work with Groups. New York: Routledge.
  16. Perron, B., & Howard, M. O. (2008). Inhalants [Chapter revision]. In P. Korsmeyer & F. Kranzler (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior (3rd ed.). MacMillan Reference USA.
  17. Perron, B. E., & Howard, M. O. (2008). Inhalants: Extent of use and consequences. In P. Korsmeyer & F. Kranzler (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior (3rd ed.). MacMillan Reference USA.
  18. Perron, B. E., & Powell, T. J. (2008). Online groups and social work practice. In A. Gitterman & R. Salmon (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Social Work with Groups. New York: Routledge.
  19. Vaughn, M. G., Wallace, J., Perron, B., Copeland, V., & Howard, M. O. (2008). Does marijuana use serve as a gateway to nicotine dependence for African-American youth? American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 34(6), 782-791.
  20. Kymes, S. M., McIntosh, L. D., Perron, B. E., Nease, R. F., & Sumner, W. (2008). Apples and oranges? Assessing the relationship between health and vision related quality of life. Values in Health, 11(3), A297.
  21. Perron, B., Alexander-Eitzman, B., Gillespie, D. F., & Pollio, D. (2008). Modeling the mental health effects of victimization among homeless persons. Social Science and Medicine, 67(9), 1475-1479.
  22. Guo, B., Perron, B., & Gillespie, D. F. (2008). A systematic review of structural equation modeling in social work research. British Journal of Social Work, 39(8), 1-19.
  23. Perron, B., & Howard, M. O. (2008). Prevalence and correlates of traumatic brain injury among delinquent youths. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 18(4), 243-255.
  24. Perron, B., & Howard, M. O. (2008). Perceived risk of harm and intentions of future inhalant use among adolescent inhalant users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 97(1-2), 185-189.
  25. Perron, B., Gotham, H., & Cho, D. (2008). Victimization among African-American adolescents in substance abuse treatment. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 40(1), 67-75.


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