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Global Social Work Practice Faculty

  • Fernanda L. Cross

    Fernanda L. Cross

    Assistant Professor of Social Work
    Latinx mixed-status families, undocumented immigrants, ethnic-racial socialization, discrimination experiences, adolescent mental health and academic outcomes
  • Ashley E. Cureton

    Ashley E. Cureton

    Assistant Professor of Social Work, School of Social Work, and Assistant Professor of Educational Studies, Marsal Family School of Education
    Arts-based programs; Children & adolescents; Community-engaged research; Global social work & health; Immigration; Intervention research; Out-of-school time programs; Refugee policy & resettlement; Qualitative research methods; School-based Interventions; Urban education
  • Giovanna Gonzalez (Odessa Gonzalez) Benson

    Odessa Gonzalez Benson

    Associate Professor of Social Work
    refugee resettlement, state-civil society relations (regarding migration), labor migration, critical policy studies and the production of knowledge on social welfare, social work and forced migration
  • Diana W. Seales

    Diana W. Seales

    LEO Lecturer I
  • Mieko Yoshihama

    Mieko Yoshihama

    Professor of Social Work
    Violence against women, community organizing and participatory action research in immigrant and marginalized communities, theatre-based prevention, mental health.

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