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Showing events starting from February 28, 2019

  1. Online Programs: Orientation Weekend (May 5-7)

    May 5, 2023 ET

  2. Residential Programs: Classes Begin Spring/Summer

    May 8, 2023 ET

  3. For Admitted Students- Connect Virtually with a Current MSW Student! For Admitted Students- Connect Virtually with a Current MSW Student!

    May 8, 2023 - 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Congratulations! Newly admitted MSW Students can connect virtually with Current MSW students regarding the MSW program!

    What's the program really like? Where is your field placement? What do social work students do for fun? What is Ann Arbor like in the Winter? Join an MSW student as well as other admitted MSW students for a live webchat about the School of Social Work.  Our MSW students are excited to answer any questions that you have and share their feedback about the program.


    Click here to register »

  4. Online Programs: Live Class Sessions Begin

    May 9, 2023 ET

  5. MSW Prospective Student Information Session - Virtual MSW Prospective Student Information Session - Virtual

    May 10, 2023 - 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM ET

    This online session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan School of Social Work MSW program. Topics covered will include: Online Program, On-Campus Program, Curriculum Options, Application Process, Financial Aid, and more!

    All registered attendees will receive a recording of the session.

    Click here to register »

  6. For Incoming Students, Ask a Current MSW Student Webinar Series- Housing For Incoming Students, Ask a Current MSW Student Webinar Series- Housing

    May 10, 2023 - 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM ET

    "Did you live on or off-campus?" "How was your commute to the School of Social Work?" "What is graduate housing like"?

    Trying to figure out where to live for your MSW Journey? Meet with several current MSW students to learn about their experience from on-campus housing, off-campus housing, and commuting.

    This is an off-site, web-based session and may be attended via the Internet. The session will be recorded.

    Click here to RSVP »

  7. Grief and Loss: Supporting Clients

    May 12, 2023 - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET

    Loss and grief are universal aspects of the human experience and much of the work we do as social workers is at its core often about loss and grief. Exploring and increasing your understanding of death-related and non-death related loss and grief can facilitate responding with compassion and competence in interactions with your clients, colleagues, workplaces, and communities.

    The workshop will focus on death, loss and grief and explore a diverse range of losses and expressions of grief that occur in our professional and personal lives. We will explore theoretical frameworks of human loss and grief from culturally and philosophically diverse perspectives regarding why and how humans grieve. Various types of supportive interventions to use with clients across the life span will be identified. Finally, personal loss history and clinician resiliency working with grieving clients will be addressed.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  8. Sexuality, Social Work, and Exploring Implicit Bias

    May 19, 2023 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    This course challenges learners to explore their personal values, beliefs and judgements related to issues of sexuality. Interpersonal practice tools will be offered to assist clients in holding personal beliefs and values and remaining present to client's sexual self, needs, beliefs. Lecture and discussion will examine how implicit bias can limit services and harm clients, particular limits to sexually diverse populations. Sexual health will be considered as a social justice issue.

    This course has been developed to meet the Michigan implicit bias training requirements for health professionals.

    Visit the CE Course Catalog »

  9. For Prospective Students- Connect Virtually with Current On-campus MSW Students! For Prospective Students- Connect Virtually with Current On-campus MSW Students!

    May 19, 2023 - 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    What's the program really like? Where is your field placement? What do social work students do for fun? Join an MSW student as well as other prospective MSW students for a live webchat about the School of Social Work. Our MSW students are excited to answer any questions that you have and share their feedback about the program. 

    Click here to register »

  10. Drop/Add Deadline for Full-Term Classes

    May 22, 2023 ET

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