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Half-Baked Brown Bag


Want to know what your colleagues are working on? 

Want to help them refine their research ideas?

Want to be more engaged and help build community?

Come to the Half-Baked Brown Bag lunch series. 

The associate dean for research is hosting a series for faculty and doctoral students to share their early stage ideas with peers for feedback. Come and contribute to a lively discussion that will benefit the research happening here at the School – it may even help shape how you think about your own work. 

The format will include a brief presentation from faculty members or doctoral students about their research. Each presentation will be approximately 15 minutes, followed by a 20-30 minute discussion. There will be two participants for each event.

To keep the discussions more cozy, space is limited to 20 attendees. Pizza and drinks are provided. 

Click Here to Register

Want to share your work?

Contact Matthew Smith at [email protected].

Event Details

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