A growing body of research documents the importance of the complex relationship between humans and animals, ranging from the significance of companion animals and the need for social support for bereaved pet owners to the relationship between animal abuse and child abuse, domestic violence, and elder abuse. In addition, the therapeutic benefits of animal-assisted interventions are well established. This mini-course will provide an overview of: 1) research on the relationship between humans and animals and why related knowledge, attitudes, and skills are important for social workers; 2) research on animals as pets and their health and mental health benefits over the life course; 3) pet-facilitated psychotherapy and the use of service animals; 4) animal abuse and its relationship to domestic violence; and 5) ethical issues and controversies. Special emphasis will be given to identifying the health and mental health benefits of companion animals over the life course; assessment and intervention with clients experiencing the loss of a companion animal; indications for and potential benefits and risks of animal assisted interventions; and the assessment and treatment of animal abusers.
Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106