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Feminist and Critical Intersectionality Approaches to Community Change

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SW658, Section 001

This course will examine feminist and critical intersectionality theories as an approach and framework for community change. It will emphasize understanding the role of power embedded in structures, how power manifests in privilege and oppression and in social patterns of inequality. Students will engage in learning frameworks identifying and analyzing injustice through a feminist and critical intersectional lens as well as developing skills to utilizing these frameworks in community change practice. Students will also use this lens to explore examples of feminist and critical intersectional change efforts in the US and globally.

Semester: Fall 2025
Instructor: TBA
U-M Class #: 29522
Program Type: Residential
Format: In-Person
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

Pathway Associations

Community ChangeElective (Host)
Interpersonal Practice
Mgmt & Leadership
Policy & Political
Program Evaluation
Older Adults
Children & Families

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