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MSW Application Résumé Guide

All applicants to the University of Michigan Master of Social Work program must provide a résumé as part of their application to the program. The résumé is utilized to assess educational background and human service experience. Be sure to review the following tips/guidelines when creating your résumé:

  • In the field of social work, a professional résumé is two-pages in length. While this is not required, a two-page résumé is recommended for applicants.
  • The résumé is considered a demonstration of your writing skills. Be sure your résumé is free of spelling/grammatical errors. Consider getting feedback from your university career services or writing center and/or get feedback from professional mentors.
  • The "Education" section of the résumé should list all colleges attended (where degrees were completed), name of degrees completed, majors/concentrations, dates of attendance, and any honors/recognitions received. Applicants should also include any relevant trainings or workshops completed.
  • The résumé should document all of your experience, while specifically highlighting human service or social work related experience. Consider using a header entitled, "Human Service Experience" that lists all paid, volunteer, and/or internship experience that is related to social work. For each experience, list your position title and provide 3-5 bullet points to give a clear description of your role at the organization.
  • Applicants should also list other experiences so that we have a clear understanding of your complete work history. This information can be listed under an "Additional Experience" section of the résumé. For each experience, list your position title and provide 2-3 bullet points to give a clear description of your role at the organization. Consider highlighting skills that you gained that are transferable to social work.

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