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Social Work Communications

Below you will find the spring/summer email communications sent to incoming MSW. These weekly emails highlight various topics, containing important and helpful information. As new ones are sent, they will be added here.

Please accept our invitation to connect with your Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion!

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at the School of Social Work is a catalyst and support system for students, staff, and faculty, with the goal of cultivating a community where every person feels affirmed, respected, valued, and appreciated.

Students have always been an integral piece of enhancing our DEI efforts. We encourage you to learn more about some of the ways that you can get involved while also furthering these values in your social work journey. Some ways to get connected include:

  • Common Roots - You can join this committee that builds healing spaces and nurtures the flourishment and empowerment of communities of color, including faculty, staff, and students at the SSW, through programming that is open to all who share its mission.
  • DEI Anti-Racism Fund - Consider submitting a proposal for these funds that support student-led individual or group anti-racism projects with a specific focus on confronting and combating anti-blackness, racism against Indigenous peoples, and White supremacy.
  • DEI Social Justice Impact Fund - Consider submitting a proposal for these funds that support projects with a specific focus on projects that align with the values of social justice, anti-racism, and addressing systemic inequities to advance social justice to the greatest degree possible.
  • Undoing Racism Workgroup - Attend a monthly meeting of this community collective of students, staff, and faculty in the SSW dedicated to fighting white supremacy at the individual, school, and structural levels. Join us virtually for the Undoing Racism Workgroup this fall on one or all of the dates below:
    • Thursday, September 12, 2-3:30 pm
    • Thursday, October 10, 2-3:30 pm
    • Thursday, November 7, 2-3:30 pm
    • Thursday, December 5, 2-3:30 pm
  • SSW Committees - Get involved with the Promoting Action for Intersectional Social Justice (PRAXIS) or UNDOING RACISM WORKGROUP. Each Fall & Winter semester, the Student Government will send out a call for those interested in serving as student representatives.

Learn more about SSW DEI 2.0

Stay tuned for more DEI information and updates!

Have questions or want to learn more?
Feel free to contact the SSW Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at [email protected] or stop by the office in Room 2607!

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