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Kyungeun Song

Kyungeun Song

PhD Student. Social Work/Sociology


Year Degree   School
MS 2023 Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
BA 2021 Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
  • Park, Gum-Ryeong., Song, Kyungeun & Kim, Jinho. (2025). How do family-friendly policies impact marital satisfaction: A mediation analysis of Korean working women. Journal of Family Issues, 0192513X251322149.
  • Song, K., Lee, M., & Kim, J. (2024). Double jeopardy: Exploring the moderating effects of educational mismatch in the relationship between work-family conflict and depressive symptoms among Korean working women. Social Science and Medicine, 116501.
  • Song, K. & Kim, J. (2023). Widowhood and functional impairment: Gender-specific trajectories of sensory and masticatory functions. Aging and Society, 1-18.
  • Song, K. & Kim, J. (2023). Prolonged exposure to intimate partner violence and depressive symptoms among Korean married couples: The intersection of gender and education. Society and Mental Health, 21568693231185853.
  • Kim, J., Song, K., & Sutin, A. (2021). Gender differences in the relationship between perceived discrimination and personality traits in young adulthood: Evidence using sibling fixed effects. Social science and Medicine, 286, 114329.

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