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Tips for Non-Admitted Applicants Re-Applying to MSW Program

Applicants who have been denied from the MSW program but are interested in re-applying may do so no sooner than one year from the term of previous application. They will need to submit the materials listed in the re-application instructions. Applicants who are re-applying to the MSW program should strongly consider the following options for strengthening their application:

  • Gain additional paid, volunteer, and/or internship human service experience that is related to social work. Additional experience can help you demonstrate readiness for the field placement component of the MSW program. This experience should be listed both in the Employment/Experience section of your new application and on the new resume that is included with your application.
  • Take graduate level course(s) in a CSWE-accredited MSW program. Taking MSW courses as a guest student in a school of social work can demonstrate the ability to perform well at the graduate level. This can be a good option for students who did not have a strong undergraduate record. It is recommended that students take at least two courses and work to perform very well in them; receiving A grades. These courses could potentially transfer into the MSW program at The University of Michigan. You may consult with an admissions counselor regarding the best courses to take.
  • Enroll in the Social Work Essentials Certificate. Students can demonstrate an ability to perform well in the essential courses offered through this certificate. Prior to purchasing this certificate, you must submit an Eligibility Review Request Form to determine if you have enough experience to use the certificate to reduce the MSW degree requirements if you are later admitted into the program. The Social Work Essentials Certificate is asynchronous so it will not allow for interaction with the professors who created the courses or recommendations from them upon completion of the courses. The certificate is non-credit bearing so these courses cannot be transferred to another graduate program.
  • Provide additional letter(s) of recommendation. At least one new letter of recommendation is required with your reapplication to the MSW program. You may, however, submit more than one new recommendation. The strongest recommendations come from individuals who have been in a position to evaluate you in either academic settings (professors/advisors) or social work related positions (supervisors). Applicants who gain additional academic or social work-related experience should strongly consider requesting a recommendation from these experiences.
  • Provide an updated supplementary statement. You will need to submit a supplementary statement with your MSW application. Be sure to review the statement questions as they can change from year to year. Make sure that you are answering each question. If you have gained additional academic or professional experience be sure to explain how this has contributed to your preparedness. Make a connection between your past experience, MSW program plan, and future career goals to the School of Social Work’s mission. To ensure that your statement is well written and a strong demonstration of your writing abilities, consult your college career center and/or get feedback from faculty in the field or mentors who can review your statement prior to submission.
  • Request a self-initiated interview once your re-application is submitted and complete. The interview can be a good option to express your interest, knowledge, and readiness for the program, as well as allow you to address any concerns you think the admission committee may have regarding your application. Be sure to review the information about scheduling a self-initiated interview
  • Meet with an admissions counselor to discuss ways to strengthen your application. Counselors are not able to share details regarding your previous review, but can offer tips for re-applying. Call 734-936-0961 to schedule an appointment. Be sure to state that you are reapplying to the program.

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