Jianjia Cheng won third place in the Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality Intervention paper competition. The paper was titled, "A Cultural Competency Training for Social Workers who Provide Mental Health Services to the Latino Population in Washtenaw County."
Mackenzie Mann won third place in the Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality Policy Memo paper competition. The paper was titled, "NASW Response to the Agricultural Guestworker Act, H.R. 4092."
Margaret Cease won first place in the Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality Intervention paper competition. The paper was titled, "The Special Meals Project."
Zainab Farhat won second place in the Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality Policy Memo paper competition. The paper was titled, "Dismantling Zero Tolerance: Achieving Equity in School Discipline."
Professor Barry Checkoway was featured in The New Zimbabwe's article for his research on adultism.
Elizabeth Vestal won first place in the Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality Policy Memo paper competition. The paper was titled, "Retention and Continued Service for Transgender Members of the Armed Forces."
Professor John E. Tropman was referenced in The Harvard Crimson’s article on Harvard's President-elect Lawrence S. Bacow.
Associate Professor Joe Ryan was a panelist for the Celebrating University of Michigan Faculty Impact, Now and Future program. The panel was moderated by President Mark Schlissel and discussed how faculty leverage their research to inform social change.
Taha Rauf was selected to receive a Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship. The Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship supports outstanding doctoral students who have achieved candidacy and are actively working on dissertation research and writing. They support students working on dissertations that are unusually creative, ambitious and impactful.
The Office of Global Activities congratulates the following students for receiving this year's Global Independent Study Grant. A Global Independent Study offers students the ability to design a global social work opportunity in a foreign country while earning 1-6 elective credits. This summer these students will travel to 20 different countries.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106