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School of Social Work News

  1. Barry N. CheckowayJoseph A. GaluraLarry M. GantGiovanna Gonzalez (Odessa Gonzalez) BensonLorraine M. GutiérrezShanna K. KattariBeth Glover  ReedKatie E. Richards-SchusterWilliam L. VanderwillAmber Williams
    Gilbert Whitaker Fund Grant Recipients

    Professor Barry Checkoway, Adjunct Lecturer Joe Galura, Professor Larry Gant, Postdoctoral fellow Odessa Gonzalez-Benson, Professor Lorraine Gutierrez, Postdoctoral fellow Shanna K. Kattari, Associate Professor Beth Reed, Assistant Professor Katie Richards-Schuster,  Lecturer William Vanderwill and Lecturer Amber Williams received a grant from the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching - Gilbert Whitaker Fund for piloting an online platform for strengthening community organization courses at SSW via a Michigan Organizers Video Archive.

    • March 27, 2018
  2. Rogério Meireles Pinto
    Rogerio Pinto Featured in Tech Explorist and EurekAlert

    Associate Professor Rogerio Pinto’s research on social and public health services in the fight against HIV/AIDS was featured in EurekAlert and Tech Explorist.

  3. Todd I. Herrenkohl
    Todd Herrenkohl Featured in Science Daily and Psych Central

    Professor Todd Herrenkohl was featured for his research on how child maltreatment impacts development and resilience in Science Daily and Psych Central.

  4. Kathleen Coulborn  Faller
    Kathleen Faller Appointed to the Blue Ribbon Commission

    Marion Elizabeth Blue Endowed Professor Emerita of Children and Families Kathleen Faller was appointed to the Blue Ribbon Commission to investigate Larry Nassar.

  5. Sara F. Stein
    Sara Stein Awarded Fellowship from the Institute for Research on Women and Gender and the Rackham Graduate School

    Sara Stein, PhD student in SSW and Psychology, was awarded a fellowship from the Institute for Research on Women and Gender and the Rackham Graduate School for her dissertation work "Unpacking Women's Involvement with Multiple Violent Intimate Partners."

    Social Justice in Social Work Research PhD Poster Award Recipients

    Kathryn Berringer, Alex Lu (MSW student) and Joyce Y. Lee received the Doctoral Poster Awards at the School of Social Work's Social Justice in Social Work Research Symposium. Berringer was awarded for her poster, "Examining Drivers of Health Inequities in HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Implementation in the US". Lu and Lee for their poster "Spank, Smack, & Whoop”: Stay-At-Home Parents’ Spanking Tweets".

    • March 14, 2018
  7. Daphne C. Watkins
    Daphne Watkins Featured in the Metro Parent

    Associate Professor Daphne Watkins was featured in the Metro Parent’s article on the mental health gender gap.

  8. David Córdova
    David Córdova Receives Award from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences

    Assistant Professor David Córdova, Ph.D., received an award from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences via the Michigan Institute For Clinical & Health Research for his project to advance scientific knowledge of technology-based HIV prevention, and to improve public health by establishing an innovative mobile-health prevention program for African American youth.

    • March 11, 2018
  9. Edith C. Kieffer
    Edie Kieffer to Provide Expertise to the Michigan Community Health Worker Alliance

    Professor Edith C. Kieffer, MPH, Ph.D.,  will provide expertise to the Michigan Community Health Worker Alliance (MiCHWA) on the design, content, analysis and reporting of the 2018 statewide Community Health Worker Employer Survey. This project is funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    • March 11, 2018
    Jenna Marthaller, Shana Frankel and Tahrima Khanom Win Second Place in the Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality Intervention Paper Competition

    Jenna Marthaller, Shana Frankel and Tahrima Khanom won second place in the Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality Intervention paper competition. The paper was titled, "Transportation in Rural Areas to Support Opioid Substance Abuse Treatment."

    • March 11, 2018

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