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School of Social Work News

  1. Andrew C. Grogan-Kaylor
    Andrew Grogan-Kaylor's Meta-Analysis on Spanking Research Cited in Numerous Media Outlets

    Associate Professor Andrew Grogan-Kaylor’s recently published a meta-analysis examining the research on spanking and its effects on children which has been cited in numerous media outlets.

  2. Kathleen Coulborn  Faller
    Kathleen Faller Presents at Universidad Metropolitana First Symposium on Sexual Abuse in San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Professor Emerita Kathleen Faller gave two presentations and was interviewed by a reporter from the San Juan Star, the English language newspaper for an article on child sexual abuse.


    • Allegations of Maltreatment Arising in Divorce, Custody, and Visitation Dispute Cases. Universidad Metropolitana First Symposium on Sexual Abuse. San Juan, PR.
    • Sexual Abuse Disclosure Failures and What to Do About Them. Universidad Metropolitana First Symposium on Sexual Abuse. San Juan, PR.
    • May 4, 2016
    Mathieu Despard Receives Grant to Analyze Data from Washington University in St. Louis Refund-to-Savings Project

    Assistant Professor Mathieu Despard received a grant from the Washington University in St. Louis to analyze data from the 2013 and 2015 experiments of the Refund-to-Savings (R2S) project of the Center for Social Development (CSD) at Washington University. This Initiative is a collaboration among academic researchers and Intuit Company to study the effects of experimental interventions informed by behavioral economics to encourage low and moderate income (LMI) tax filers to save a part of their tax refunds when they file their federal income tax returns using Turbotax Freedom Edition online software.

  4. Robert M. Ortega
    Robert Ortega Elected to Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs

    Associate Professor Robert Ortega was elected, by the Senate Assembly, to fill the final open position on the executive committee of U-M's central faculty governance system. He was elected to the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs.

  5. Shawna J. Lee
    Shawna Lee's Study on Spanking Published in Journal of Marriage & Family

    Associate Professor Shawna Lee’s study, "Hugs, Not Hits: Warmth and Spanking as Predictors of Child Social Competence" was published in the Journal of Marriage & Family. Her study was also featured in a news article, “Spanking Children Does Not Make Them ‘Nicer’, But Hugging Does” which was posted on the Child and Family Blog.


    • May 4, 2016
  6. H. Luke  Shaefer
    Luke Shaefer Awarded Hillman Prize for Book Journalism

    Associate Professor Luke Shaefer and Professor Kathryn J. Edin of Johns Hopkins University new book "$2 a Day Living on Almost Nothing in America" was awarded the 2016 Hillman Prize for Book Journalism.  The Hillman Prize honors journalists who pursue investigative reporting and deep storytelling in service of the common good. 

    • April 20, 2016
    CASC Students Brittney Williams and Meredith Starkman Recognized for Major Awards at U-M

    Two CASC (Community Action and Social Change Underagraduate Minor) students were recognized for major awards at the University:

    Brittney Williams was recognized as one of The Michigan Daily's Students of the Year.

    Meredith Starkman is the winner of the 2016 Wallenberg Fellowship

    • April 18, 2016
  8. Daphne C. Watkins
    Daphne Watkins, Reuben Miller, and Desmond Patton Published a Special Issue in The Journal of Men's Studies

    Associate Professor Daphne Watkins, Assistant Professor Reuben Miller, and Desmond Patton (formerly U-M SSW and now Columbia) are the Guest Editors of a Special Issue titled, "The intersections of race, gender, and class in the wake of a national crisis: The state of Black boys and men post-Ferguson" in The Journal of Men's Studies.

    • April 11, 2016
  9. Leslie D. Hollingsworth
    Leslie Hollingsworth Receives Distinguished Individual Service Award at 48th Annual Conference of the National Association of Black Social Workers

    Associate Professor Leslie Hollingsworth was presented the Distinguished Individual Service Award at the 48th Annual Conference of the National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW), held in New Orleans March 23-26th. 

    • April 11, 2016
  10. Diana W. Seales
    SSW's Environmental Justice Conference Featured in The Michigan Daily

    The School of Social Work’s environmental justice conference was featured in The Michigan Daily article, “Environmental justice conference highlights Flint water crisis”. Diana Copeland (lecturer) and Emily Friedman (CASC student) were both cited in the article.

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