Brian Perron presented, "Innovating administrative research through data science: Lessons learned from the U-M SSW Data Lab” at Tsinghua University in China. He also gave a workshop on "Writing and Publication Strategies in Social Work" hosted by the Tianjin University of Technology.
Professor William Elliott’s essay, “ Leveraging Free College and Children’s Savings Accounts for a 21st Century Wealth Building Agenda” was published in the College Promise Campaign Policy Brief.
Emeritus Professor Diane Kaplan Vinokur is a coauthor of a new book, “Shared Space and the New Nonprofit Workplace”. The book presents a comprehensive overview of shared space as an innovative model and effective long-term solution for nonprofit organizations' need for stable and affordable office and program space. In particular, it focuses on co-locating multiple nonprofits in shared spaces.
Professor William Elliott III essay “How Do You Weather a Short-Term Financial Crisis?” is published in New America.
Associate Research Scientist Roland Zullo's Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) analysis is featured in the Detroit Free Press. Zullo reviewed MDOT contracts and determined the State of Michigan spent $90 million more to hire private contractors for engineering and design work than it would have if it had maintained that work in-house over a three-year period.
Associate Professors Andrew Grogan-Kaylor and Shawna Lee are co-authors of the 2017 Article of the Year by the journal Child Abuse and Neglect. “Spanking and adult mental health impairment: The case for the designation of spanking as an adverse childhood experience” demonstrated outstanding contribution to research on child welfare.
U-M researchers from a wide variety of disciplines are working to address the global HIV epidemic by developing interventions and searching for cures. The U-M Interprofessional Collaboration Implementation Group is working on both behavioral and structural interventions. Read about their work in the January issue of Michigan Research.
Associate Professor Andrew Grogan-Kaylor's meta-analysis of 50 years of research on corporal punishment was key in the recent American Academy of Pediatrics policy update on corporal punishment. The Academy - the largest professional organization for US pediatricians - is taking a strict stance against parents, caregivers and other adults using spanking, hitting or slapping to discipline children. The updated policy statement is the first major revise since 1998.
Lisa Young Larance, Joint PhD student Social Work and Sociology, article “Understanding and Addressing Women’s Use of Force in Intimate Relationships: A Retrospective” was published recently in Violence Against Women.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106