We welcome four new faculty members to Michigan Social Work — a community joined together by a strong commitment to diversity, respect, inclusion and learning from one another.
Area of Expertise
Latinx mixed-status families, undocumented immigrants, ethnic-racial socialization, discrimination experiences, adolescent mental health and academic outcomes
Area of Expertise
Child abuse and neglect, child maltreatment prevention, neighborhoods, poverty, program evaluation, social policy, parenting
Area of Expertise
American Indian/Alaska Native Suicide Prevention, Indigenous Youth Resilience, Culturally-Specific Behavioral Health Services, Digitally-Enhanced Participatory Research
Area of Expertise
Psychosocial and cognitive interventions, schizophrenia, severe mental illnesses and pathophysiology of mental illness and cognitive impairment
Assistant Professor Lisa Fedina's research on child sex trafficking in the United States was cited in the USA Today story, "Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sex trafficking targets: 'The more vulnerable the better,' investigator says."
Associate Professor David Córdova was selected as an ambassador. for the 2019 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. Ambassadors mentor students and develop learning strategies for facilitating student success.
Joseph Himle, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Howard V. Brabson Collegiate Professor of Social Work, was honored with the 2019 Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research Distinguished Clinical and Translational Research Mentor Award. This prestigious award recognizes faculty who foster the intellectual, creative, scholarly and professional growth of students, fellows and trainees in the areas of clinical and translational health and research.
Associate Professor of Social Work and Poverty Solutions Director, Luke Shaefer, said Congress should keep the earned-income tax credit as a work inducement and include a separate plan to help those who have fallen out of the labor market.
Luke Shaefer (and Kathyn J. Edin) book "$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America" recommended by Elizabeth Warren in Vox interview as one of three books that have changed the way she thinks about our economy.
Katrina Ellis was selected to an NIH-funded Obesity Health Disparities Programs to Increase Diversity among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research Program (PRIDE) summer research training program. The goal of PRIDE is to increase underrepresented faculty with research careers focused on obesity disparities and chronic diseases.
Assistant Professor Odessa Gonzalez Benson was quoted in the Michigan News article “For new refugees, ‘higher education is a path to freedom’” about the campus visit of a group of Congolese high school students and community leaders from Grand Rapids. Sponsored by [RE]vive, a student-driven refugee education initiative, the visit included tours of several schools - including SSW - as part of a college readiness program.
Associate Professor Shawna Lee and PhD student Joyce Lee’s research “The effect of paternal cues in prenatal care settings on men’s involvement intentions” is cited in the Huffington Post. Most photos and brochures in a typical OB-GYN waiting room focus on mothers, but adding some subtle father-friendly visual cues could be a simple way to boost a dad’s parenting confidence, according to Shawna Lee and Joyce Lee's new study.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106