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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Teitelbaum, M., & Tropman, J. E. (1989). The importance of emotional management in the workplace. In D. Stone, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Midwest Academy of Management. Columbus: OH.
  2. Tropman, J. E. (1989). Human service entrepreneurship: The "Four C" approach. Administration in Social Work, 13(3/4), 219-242.
  3. Tropman, J. E. (1989). The organizational circle: A new approach to drawing an organizational chart. Administration in Social Work, 13(1), 35-44.
  4. Tropman, J. E. (1989). Entrepreneurial Systems for The 1990's. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
  5. Rose, S. D., & Tolman, R. M. (1989). Measuring and evaluating individual achievements and group process. In S. Rose (Ed.), Working with Adults in Groups 72-108. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  6. Tolman, R. M. & Rose, S. D. (1989). Teaching clients to cope: The effectiveness of structured group stress management training. Journal of Social Service Research, 13, 45-66.
  7. Tallant, S., Rose, S. D. & Tolman, R. M. (1989). New evidence for the effectiveness of stress management training in groups. Behavior Modification, 13(4), 431-436.
  8. Taylor, R. J., & Chatters, L. M. (1989). Family, friend, and church support networks of black Americans. In R. L. Jones (Ed.), Black Adult Development and Aging 245-271. Berkeley, CA: Cobb And Henry.
  9. Taylor, R. J., Neighbors, H. W., & Broman, C. L. (1989). Evaluations by black Americans of the social service encounter during a serious personal problem. Social Work, 34, 205-211.
  10. Broman, C. L., Neighbors, H. W. & Taylor, R. J. (1989). Race differences in seeking help from social workers. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 16, 109-123.
  11. Siefert, K. A. (1989). A preventive program for bereaved families. In K. W. Davidson & S. S. Clarke (Eds.), Social Work in Health Care: A Handbook for Practice 385-400. New York: Haworth Press.
  12. Siefert, K. (1989). The generalist's role. In M. Henk (Ed.), Social Work in Primary Care 55-66. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  13. Siefert, K. (1989). The relationship between schools of social work and the Maternal and Child Health Interdisciplinary Training Program. In M. West, S. Stuart & E. Carlin (Eds.), Training for Social Work Leadership in Maternal and Child Health. Seattle: University of Washington.
  14. Ruffolo, M. (1989). Social supports and women with full-time work and parenting roles: Implications for practice. In the Proceedings From the Fifth National Symposium on Doctoral Research and Practice. Ohio State University Press.
  15. Lewis, E., Linzie, R., & Chesler, M. (1989). Retrieval conference on changing organizational racism and sexism. Center for Research On Social Organization Working Paper 381. University of Michigan.
  16. Lewis, E. (1989). Role strain in African-American women: The efficacy of support networks. Journal of Black Studies, 20(2), 155-169.
  17. Lewis, E., & Kissman, K. (1989). Factors in ethnic-sensitive feminist social work practice. Arete, 14(2), 23-31.
  18. Himle, J. & Thyer, B. A. (1989). Treating obsessions with exposure therapy. In J. Brengelmann (Ed.), Etiology and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 132-143. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  19. Himle, J. & Thyer, B. A. (1989). Clinical social work and obsessive-compulsive disorder: A single-subject investigation. Behavior Modification, 13(4), 459-470.
  20. Modell, J. G., Himle, J. & Schmaltz, S. (1989). Sequential trials of fluoxetine, phenelzine, and tranylcypromine in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 3, 287-293.
  21. Himle, D. P., Himle, J. & Thyness, P. A. (1989). Treating phobias with exposure therapy. Compendium.
  22. Thyer, B. A., Himle, J. & Miller-Gogoleski, M. A. (1989). Parental death is not a precursor to panic disorder: A community based replication. Phobia Practice and Research Journal, 2, 29-36.
  23. Himle, J., Himle, D. P. & Thyer, B. A. (1989). Irrationality and the anxiety disorders. Journal of Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 7, 155-165.
  24. Himle, J., McPhee, K. M., Cameron, O. G. & Curtis, G. C. (1989). Simple phobia: evidence for heterogeneity. Psychiatry Research, 28, 25-30.
  25. Gutierrez, L., & Ortega, R. (1989). Using groups to empower Latinos: A preliminary analysis. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Symposium. Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups.


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