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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Maguire-Jack, K., Steinman, K. J., Lesnick, J., Solomon, A., West, K., Roush, K., Zimpfer, K., & Cunningham, N. (2022). Implementing Triple P during the COVID-19 pandemic with families at risk for substance use. Child Abuse and Neglect, 129, 105636.
  2. Maguire-Jack, K. & Marçal, K. (2022). The mediating role of housing insecurity in the relationship between neighborhood social cohesion and child maltreatment among low-income urban families. Child Abuse and Neglect, 132, 105792.
  3. Maguire-Jack, K., Hardi, F., Stormer, B., Lee, J., Feeley, M., Rostad, W., Ford, D., Merrick, M. T., Murphy, C. A., & Klika, J. B. (2022). Early childhood education and care policies in the U.S. and their impact on family violence. Children and Youth Services Review, 142, 106653.
  4. Pei, F., Li, Z., Maguire-Jack, K., Li, X., & Kleinberg, J. (2022). Changes in perceived neighborhood environment: A longitudinal study of collective efficacy among vulnerable families. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(6), e6228-e6239.
  5. Maguire-Jack, K., Smith, B. D., & Spilsbury, J. C. (2022). Rural and urban child maltreatment considerations in the United States. In R.D. Krugman & J.E. Korbin Handbook of Child Maltreatment 295-306. Switzerland: Springer.
  6. Katz, C. & Maguire-Jack, K. (2022). Communities’ essential role in protecting children from maltreatment. In K. Maguire-Jack & C. Katz Neighborhoods, Communities, and Child Maltreatment 1-7. Switzerland: Springer.
  7. Marco, M., López-Quílez, A., Gracia, E., & Maguire-Jack, K. (2022). The spatio-temporal epidemiology of child maltreatment: Using Bayesian hierarchical models to assess neighborhood influences. In K. Maguire-Jack & C. Katz Neighborhoods, Communities, and Child Maltreatment 9-29. Switzerland: Springer.
  8. Maguire-Jack, K., Jespersen, B., Korbin, J. E., Van Berkel, D., & Spilsbury, J. C. (2022). Neighborhood effects on child maltreatment in rural areas. In K. Maguire-Jack & C. Katz Neighborhoods, Communities, and Child Maltreatment 117-129. Switzerland: Springer.
  9. Maguire-Jack, K. & Katz, C. (2022). Neighborhoods and child maltreatment: Looking to the future. In K. Maguire-Jack & C. Katz Neighborhoods, Communities, and Child Maltreatment 173-178. Switzerland: Springer.
  10. Wang, K., Zhang, A, Cuevas, A. G., De Fries, C. M., Hinton, L., & Falcón, L. M. (2022). The association between post-traumatic stress and depressive symptoms among older Puerto Ricans in Boston: How does loneliness matter? Journal of Aging and Health, 34(6-8), 786-793.
  11. Wang, K., Zhang, A., De Fries, C. M., & Hasche, L. K. (2022). Education moderates the association between depressive symptoms and self-rated health among older adults with cancer, Health & Social Work. 48(1), 11-20.
  12. Zhang, A., Wang, K., & DuVall, A. (2022). Examining the moderating role of education on the association between depression and self-rated health among cancer survivors: A population-based study. Current Oncology, 28(5), 4042-4052.
  13. Zhang, A., Wang, K., Blumenstein, K., Brose, A., Kemp, C., Meister, D., & Solomon, P. (2022). For whom and what outcomes does cognitive behavioral therapy work among cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30, 8625-8636.
  14. Fernández-Pacheco Sáez,J. L., Rasskin-Gutman, I., Marques, E., & Yoshihama, M. (2022). The role of (digital) PhotoVoice in community development and the construction of collective identity: Promoting critical and participative citizens through education. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (REALIA).
  15. Yoshihama, M., Hong, J. S., & Yan, Y. (2022). Everyday discrimination and depressive symptoms among Gujarati adults: Gender difference in the role of social support. Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 19, 8674.
  16. Friedline, T., Morrow, S., Oh, S., Klemm, T., & Kugiya, J. (2022). Banks as racialized and gendered organizations: Interviews with frontline workers. Social Service Review, 96(3), 401-434.
  17. Friedline, T., Wood, A. K., & Morrow, S. (2022). Financial education as political education: A framework for targeting systems as sites of change. Journal of Community Practice, 30(4), 463-481.
  18. Chen, Z., & Friedline, T. (2022). Make the invisible underbanked visible: Who are the underbanked? Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 33(2), 160-170.
  19. Chen, Z., Friedline, T., & Lemieux, C. (2022). A national examination on payday loan use and financial well-being: A propensity score matching approach. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 43, 678-689.
  20. Agnew, M., Bea, M. D., & Friedline, T. (2022). Payday lenders and premature mortality. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 993585.
  21. Mora, A. S., Greer, C. D., Hunter, J., & Gutierrez, L. (2022). Social work faculty attitudes towards diversity and oppresion content in MSW curricula. Social Work Education,
  22. Pimentel Walker, A. P., Sanga, N., Gonzalez Benson, O., Yoshihama, M., & Routte, I. (2022). Participatory action research in times of COVID-19: Adapting approaches with refugee-led community-based organizations. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 16(2).
  23. Taylor, R. J., Skipper, A. D., Ellis, J., & Chatters, L. M. (2022). Older African American, Black Caribbean, and Non-Latino White Fictive Kin Relationships. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 41(1), 1-32.
  24. Taylor, R. J., Skipper, A. D., Cross, C. J., Taylor, H. O., & Chatters, L. M. (2022). Racial/ethnic variation in family support: African Americans, Black Caribbeans, and non‐Latino Whites. Journal of Marriage and Family.
  25. Sylvers, D., Taylor, R. J., Barnes, L., Ifatunji, M. A., & Chatters, L. M. (2022). Racial and ethnic differences in major and everyday discrimination among older adults: African Americans, Black Caribbeans, and Non-Latino Whites. Journal of Aging and Health, 34(3), 460-471.


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