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School of Social Work Research Publications for Jamie Mitchell

  1. Mitchell, J., Watkins, D. C., J. & Shires, D., Chapman, R., & Burnett, J. (2015). Clues to the blues: predictors of self-reported mental and emotional health among older African American men. American Journal of Men's Health.
  2. Watkins, D. C., Hawkins, J., & Mitchell, J. A. (2015). The discipline's escalating whisper: Social work and black men's mental health. Research on Social Work Practice, 25(2), 240-250.
  3. Watkins, D. C. Hawkins, J., & Mitchell, J. (2014). The discipline’s escalating whisper: Social work and black men’s mental health. Research on Social Work Practice.
  4. Thompson, H., Shelton, R., Mitchell, J., Eaton, T., Valera, P., & Katz, A. (2014). Inclusion of underserved racial and ethnic groups in cancer intervention research using new media: A Systematic literature review. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, 47, 216-223.
  5. Mitchell, J., Hawkins, J. & Shires, D. (2014). Current approaches to support the psychosocial care of African American adults with diabetes: a brief review. Social Work in Public Health, 29(6), 518-527.
  6. Mitchell, J., Shires, D., Thompson, H., Watkins, D. C., & Modlin, C. (2014). Disparities in health-related internet use among African American Men, 2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11, E43-48.
  7. Mitchell, J. (2013). Social epidemiology: A Tool for examining prostate cancer early detection decision-making among African American men. Social Work in Public Health, 28(7), 652-659.
  8. Mitchell, J., Watkins, D. C., & Modlin, C. (2013). Social determinants associated with colorectal cancer screening in an urban community sample of African American men. Journal of Men's Health, 10(1), 14-21.
  9. Mitchell, J., Hawkins, J., & Watkins, D. C. (2013). Factors associated with cancer family history communication between African American men and their relatives. Journal of Men's Studies, 21(2), 97-111.
  10. Mitchell, J. (2012). Integrating education on addressing health disparities into the social work curriculum. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 32(5), 1-17.
  11. Mitchell, J. (2011). Examining the influence of social ecological factors on prostate cancer screening in urban African American men. Social Work in Health Care, 50(8), 1-17.
  12. Hawkins, J., Kieffer, E. C., Sinco, B., Piatt, G., Jones, L., Mitchell, J., Espitia, N., LeBron, A., Kloss, K., Kurnick, K., & et al. (in press). Using path analysis and linear regression to test for gender and participation: effects in a culturally tailored diabetes intervention for Latino/a adults. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health.


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