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School of Social Work Research Publications for M. Candace Christensen

  1. Caswell, C., Yilmazli Trout, I., Christensen, M. C., & Tose, S. (2024). Facilitating leadership exploration in MSW students through community-based participatory photovoice project. Social Work Education: The International Journal.
  2. Todić, J., Méndez, X., Webb, M., Castellanos, C., Soto, R., McMahon, S., & Christensen, M. C. (2024). Transformative justice. Encyclopedia of Social Work.
  3. Hamilton, G. A., Cureton, A., & Christensen, M. C. (2024). Enacting Social Justice: Exploring Applied Theatre’s Influence on Anti-Oppressive Social Work. Practice.
  4. Hamilton, G. A., Cureton, A., & Christensen, M. C. (2024). Enacting social justice: Exploring applied theatre’s influence on anti-oppressive social work. Practice 1-15.
  5. Christensen, M. C., Baldwin-White, A., & McMahon, S. (2023). Gender-based violence on university campuses. Oxford Bibliographies.
  6. Christensen, M. C., Elias, M. V., Alcocer, É., & Vincente, S. (2023). Revealing white supremacy culture in an organization that supports queer and trans youth. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 18(4), 326-349.
  7. McMahon, S., Christensen, M. C., & Todić, J. (2023). Restorative and transformative justice for campus sexual assault: A scoping review. International Journal of Restorative Justice, 4, 1-9.
  8. Jeon, J., & Christensen, M. C. (2023). Community-based intervention for sexual and gender minority youth in Central Texas. Families in Society.
  9. Christensen, M. C., Jeon, J., Hostetter, R., Doyle, M., & Kynn, J. (2023). Facilitators and barriers to sexual and gender minority youth development: Addressing accessibility and “isms”, building collaborations, and supporting mental health in community-based organizations. Children and Youth Services Review.
  10. Christensen, M. C., Yilmazli Trout, I., & Caswell, C. (2022). A constructivist examination of using photovoice as a teaching method with MSW students and involving the larger community. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 41(4), 537-555.
  11. Todić, J. & Christensen, M. C. (2022). Integrating critical, engaged, and abolitionist pedagogies to advance antiracist social work education. Advances in Social Work Research, 22(2).
  12. Todić, J., Simmons-Horton, S., Cruz, E., Manning-Thompson, A., Christensen, M. C., & Nevarez, L. (2022). Awakening the antiracism collective through transformative organizational praxis: A participatory evaluative case study. Advances in Social Work Research, 22(2).
  13. Yilmazli Trout, I., Tose, S., Caswell, C., & Christensen, M. C. (2022). Integrating arts in collaborative research processs: An arts-informed inquiry. Learning Landscapes, 15(1), 367-383.
  14. Jacobsen, J., Lee, J. S., Christensen, M. C., Fawson, P. R., & Wright, R. L. (2022). At the intersections of Mormonism, gender, and social work scholarship: Applying an intersectional lens during qualitative data analysis. Affilia: Journal of Feminist Inquiry in Social Work, 38(2), 312-324.
  15. Christensen, M. C., Todić, J., & McMahon, S. (2022). Bridging the grey gap: Conducting grey literature reviews for ethical social work practice and research. Journal of Society for Social Work and Research, 13(3).
  16. Park, I. Y., Speer, R. Whitfield. D., Kattari, L., Walls, N. E., & Christensen, C. (2022). An intersectional analysis of predictors of bullying, depression, and suicide attempts among youth: Race/ethnicity by gender identity. Children and Youth Services Review, 139.
  17. Baldwin-White, A. & Christensen, M. C. (2021). Understanding sexual consent among emerging adults: Wrestling with the social construction of gender, sexuality, and salient social categories. In S.J. Doff (Ed.), The Handbook of Social Work and Sexualities. Routledge.
  18. Christensen, M. C., Caswell, C., & Hernández, M. F. (2021). Contextualizing barriers to help-seeking after sexual violence: A critical feminist study with Latinx college women. Affilia: Journal of Feminist Inquiry in Social Work, 36(1), 97-112.
  19. Klein, L. B., Brewer, N. Q., Mennicke, A., Christensen, M. C., Baldwin-White, A., Cloy, C., & Wood, L. (2021). Centering minoritized students in camps interpersonal violence research. Journal of Family Violence, 36, 911-921.
  20. Todić, J., Christensen, M. C, & McMahon, S. (2021). Restorative and transformative justice responses to sexual violence: A scoping review protocol. Social Science Protocols, 4, 1-9.
  21. Christensen, M. C., Caswell, C., Yilmazli Trout, I., & Tose, S. (2021). Using photovoice methods to complement sexual assualt climate research. Journal of Community Psychology, 49(6), 1692-1706.
  22. Christensen, M. C., Capous-Desyllas, M. & Arczynski, A. (2020). Photovoice as a multi-level tool for gender and sexual identity exploration. Families in Society, 10(2), 219-231.
  23. Christensen, M. C. (2019). Engaging trauma resulting from sexual violence through photovoice. In D. Schaub, Linder, J., Zanini, C.V., Tam, S., & Novak, K.D. (Eds.), Topography of trauma: Fissures, disruptions and transfigurations. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
  24. Christensen, M. C. (2019). Using photovoice to address gender-based violence: A qualitative systematic review. Trauma, Abuse & Violence, 20(4), 484-497.
  25. Christensen, M. C., & Harris, R. J. (2019). Correlates of bystander readiness among a diverse college student population: Using an intersectional perspective. Research in Higher Education, 60(8), 1195-1226.


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