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School of Social Work Research Publications for Letha A. Chadiha

  1. Chadiha, L. (1994). A Comparative Analysis of Married and Unmarried African-American Women's Sex Role Attitudes: Summary of Findings to the National Science Foundation. St. Louis, MO: Washington University.
  2. Chadiha, L., Morrow-Howell, N., Darkwa, O., & McGillick, J. (1994). Targeting the black church and clergy for disseminating knowledge about Alzheimer's disease and caregiver's support services. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 9(3), 17-21.
  3. Proctor, E. K., Morrow-Howell, N., & Chadiha, L. (1993). Adequacy of home care plans for chronically ill elderly. Final Report to the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. St. Louis, MO: Washington University.
  4. Chadiha, L., & Morrow-Howell, N. (1993). Increasing the awareness of Alzheimer's disease and assessing the unmet needs and strengths of African-American caregivers of elderly Alzheimer's patients. Final Report to the National Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. St. Louis, MO: Washington University.
  5. Veroff, J., Chadiha, L., Leber, D., & Sutherland, L. (1993). Affects and interactions in newlyweds' narratives: Black and white couples compared. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 3(4), 361-390.
  6. Veroff, J., Sutherland, L., Chadiha, L., & Ortega, R. M. (1993). Predicting marital quality with narrative assessments of marital experience. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55(2), 326-337.
  7. Veroff, J., Sutherland, L., Chadiha, L., & Ortega, R. (1993). Newlyweds tell their stories: A narrative method for assessing marital experiences. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 10(3), 437-457.
  8. Cook, C. A., Chadiha, L., Schmidt, B., Holloway, J., & Satterwhite, J. (1992). High social risk screening mechanisms: Patient characteristics as predictors of social work utilization in the VA. Social Work in Health Care, 16(4), 101-117.
  9. Chadiha, L. (1992). Black husbands' economic problems and resiliency during the transition to marriage. Families in Society, 73(9), 542-552.
  10. Blumenthal, M. D., Chadiha, L., Cole, G. A., & Jayaratne, T. E. (1975). More About Justifying Violence: Methodological Studies of Attitudes and Behavior. Survey Research Center, Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research.


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