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School of Social Work Research Publications for Letha A. Chadiha

  1. Chadiha, L. A., Miller-Cribbs, J. E., Rafferty, J., Adams, P., Pierce, R., & Kommidi, S. (2005). Urban and rural African American female caregivers' family reunion participation. Marriage and Family Review, 37(1/2), 129-146.
  2. Chadiha, L. A., Adams, P., Biegel, D. E., Auslander, W., & Gutierrez, L. (2004). Empowering African American women informal caregivers: A literature synthesis and practice strategies. Social Work, 49(1), 97-108.
  3. Chadiha, L. A., Morrow-Howell, N., Proctor, E. K., Picot, S. F., Gillespie, D. C., Pandey, P., & Dey, A. (2004). Involving rural older African Americans and their female caregivers in research. Journal of Aging and Health, 16(5), 18S-38S.
  4. Chadiha, L. A., Adams, P., Phorano, O., Ong, S. L., & Byers, L. (2003). Stories told and lessons learned from African American female caregivers' vignettes for empowerment practice. In J. L. Howe (Ed.), Older People and Their Caregivers Across the Spectrum of Care 135-144. New York: Haworth Press.
  5. Chadiha, L. A., & Adams, P. (2003). Physical health and economic well-being of older African American women: Toward strategies of empowerment. In B. Berkman & L. Harootyan (Eds.), Social Work and Health Care in an Aging Society: Education, Policy, Practice, and Research 149-176. New York: Springer Publications.
  6. Pierce, R., Chadiha, L., Vargas, A., & Mosley, M. (2003). Prostate cancer and psychosocial concerns in African American men: Literature synthesis and recommendations. Health and Social Work, 28(4), 302-311.
  7. Chadiha, L. A., Rafferty, J., & Pickard, J. (2003). The influence of stressors, satisfaction and social support on African American wife caregivers' marital functioning. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 29(4), 479-490.
  8. Chadiha, L. A., Adams, P., Phorano, O., Ong, S., & Byers, L. (2003). Stories told and lessons learned from black female caregivers' vignettes for empowerment practice. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 40(1/2), 135-144.
  9. Chadiha, L., & Fisher, R. H. (2002). Contributing factors to African-American women caregivers' well-being. African-American Research Perspectives, 8(1), 72-84.
  10. Chadiha, L., Morrow-Howell, N., & Proctor, E. (2001). Black Rural and Urban Caregivers-Mental Health Functioning. St. Louis, MO: Washington University.
  11. Morrow-Howell, N., Chadiha, L., Proctor, E. K., Hourd-Bryant, M., & Dore, P. (1999). Race differences in discharge planning. In P. Ewalt, E. Freeman, S. Kirk & D. Poole (Eds.), Multicultural Issues in Social Work: Practice and Research 362-376. Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.
  12. Chadiha, L., & Brazelton, J., with assistance from Washington University Editorial Services. (1999). Making a difference by choosing a social work career in aging. Gerentology Brochure. St.Louis, MO: Washington University.
  13. Chadiha, L. (1998). Commentary: The family, spirituality, and social work. In D. S. Becvar (Ed.), The Family, Spirituality and Social Work (p.iii). Binghampton, NY: Haworth Press.
  14. Chadiha, L. (1998). [Review of the book The diversity of human relationships]. Family Relations, 47(1), 111.
  15. Miller-Cribbs, J. E., & Chadiha, L. (1998). Integrating the internet in a human diversity course. Journal of Computers in Human Services, 15(2/3), 97-109.
  16. Chadiha, L., Morrow-Howell, N., Darkwa, O., & Berg-Weger, M. (1998). Support systems of African-American caregivers of elders with dementing illness. African-American Research Perspectives, 4(1), 104-114.
  17. Chadiha, L., Veroff, J., & Leber, D. (1998). Newlyweds' narrative themes: Meaning in the first years of marriage for African-American and white couples. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 29(2), 116-130.
  18. Proctor, E., Morrow-Howell, N., Chadiha, L., Braverman, A., Darkwa, O., & Dore, P. (1997). Physical and cognitive functioning among chronically ill African-American and white elderly discharged home from hospital. Medical Care, 35(8), 782-791.
  19. Chadiha, L., Miller-Cribbs, J., & Klar, D. (1997). Human diversity course syllabus. In W. Devore, B.J. Fletcher (Eds.), Human Diversity Content in Social Work Education 130-129. Washington, DC: Council on Social Work Education.
  20. Chadiha, L. (1996). [Review of the book Skin deep: Black Women and white women write about race, Mariata Golden & Susan Richards Shreve, (Eds.)]. Children and Youth Services Review, 18(6), 579-581.
  21. Proctor, E. K., Morrow-Howell, N., & Chadiha, L. (1996). Post-hospital home care of African-American elderly. Final Report to the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. St. Louis, MO: Washington, University.
  22. Chadiha, L., Proctor, E., Morrow-Howell, N., Darkwa, O., & Dore, P. (1996). Religiosity and church-based assistance among chronically ill African-American and White elderly. Journal of Religious Gerentology, 10(1), 17-36.
  23. Morrow-Howell, N., Chadiha, L. A., Proctor, E. K., Hourd-Bryant, M., & Dore, P. (1996). Racial differences in discharge planning. Health and Social Work, 21(2), 131-140.
  24. Chadiha, L., Proctor, E. K., Morrow-Howell, N., Darkwa, O., & Dore, P. (1995). Post-hospital care for African-American and White elderly. The Gerontologist, 35, 233-239.
  25. Danziger, S. K., & Chadiha, L. (1995). The significance of fathers for inner-city African-American teen mothers. Child and Adolescent Social Work, 12(2), 83-100.


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