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School of Social Work Research Publications for Laura Lein

  1. Lein, L., Douglas, K., & Murphy, K. (2006). Respuesta de familias norteamericanas-mexicanas al programa de pobreza de Estados Unidos: Viviendo en el lado norteamericano de la frontera [U.S.-Mexico border families' responses to a U.S. poverty program: Making a living on the U.S. side of the border]. Revista Trabajo Social.
  2. Lein, L., Bell, H., & Angel, R. (2006). The importance of selection factors: Evaluating the impact of employment on family well-being in families transitioning from welfare to work. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 13(1), 43-61.
  3. Lein, L., Benjamin, A., McMannus, M., & Roy, K. (2006). When work doesn't work: Mothers in low income jobs. In J. Henrici (Ed.), Doing Without: Women and Work After Welfare Reform. University of Arizona Press.
  4. Angel, R., & Lein, L. (2006). The myth of self-sufficiency in health. In J. Henrici (Ed.), Doing Without: Women and Work After Welfare Reform. University of Arizona Press.
  5. Henrici, J., Angel, R., & Lein, L. (2006). Single mothers, low-wage jobs, and the growing health care gap. In B. Arrighi & D. J. Maume, Jr. (Eds.), Child Poverty in America Today. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  6. Angel, R., & Lein, L. (2006). Living on a poverty income: The role of non-governmental agencies in the scramble for resources. Journal of Law and Policy, 20, 75-99. Washington University.
  7. Burton, L., Lein, L., & Kolak, A. (2005). The walls of Jericho: Health and mothers' employment in low income families. In S. M. Bianchi, L. M. Casper, & R. B. King (Eds.), Work, Family, Health, and Well-being. Erlbaum Press.
  8. Lein, L. Benjamin, A., McMannus, M., & Roy, K. (2005). Economic roulette: When is a job not a job? Community, Work, and Family, 8(4), 359-378.
  9. Lein, L. (2005). Barriers to self-sufficiency: Are wages and welfare enough? In J. D. Berrick & B. Fuller (Eds.), Good Parents Or Good Workers? How Policy Shapes Families' Daily Lives 19-33. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  10. Lein, L., & Douglas, K. (2003). Texans receiving the one-time benefit: The year after. Insights on Southern Poverty, 1(2), 4-5. UK Center for Poverty Research.
  11. Lein, L. (2002). [Review of the book Feminism and the family: Politics and society in the UK and USA]. Contemporary Sociology, 31(4), 454-455.
  12. Edin, K., Lein, L., & Nelson, T. (2002). Taking care of business: The economic survival strategies of low-income, noncustodial fathers. In F. Munger (Ed.), Laboring Below the Line: The New Ethnography of Poverty, Low-wage Work, and Survival in the Global Economy 125-147. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  13. Lein, L. (2001). [Review of the books Gender, families, and state; Gender and the politics of welfare reform; Welfare's end; & Family shifts]. SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 26(2), 622.
  14. Lein, L., Jaquet, S., Lewis, C., Cole, P., & Williams, B. B. (2001). With the best of intentions: Family violence option and abused women's needs. Violence Against Women, 7(2), 193-210.
  15. Falbo, T., Lein, L., & Amador, N. A. (2001). Parental involvement during the transition to high school. Journal of Adolescent Research, 16(5), 511-529.
  16. Edin, K., Lein, L., Clampet-Lundquist, S., & Nelson, T. (2000). Talking with low-income fathers. Poverty Research News, 4(2). Joint Center for Poverty Research.
  17. Edin, K., Lein, L., & Nelson, T. (1999). Low-income, Non-residential Fathers: Off-balance in a Competitive Economy: An Initial Analysis. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  18. Padilla, Y., Lein, L., & Cruz, M. (1999). Community-based research in policy planning: A case study -- Addressing poverty in the Texas-Mexico border region. Journal of Community Practice, 6(3), 1-22.
  19. Edin, K., Lein, L., & Weinberg, S. (1998). Welfare, low-wage work, and material hardship among Mexican American women. In D. Austin & M. Ferreira (Eds.), The Survival Strategies of Families in Poverty in the United States/Mexico Border Region. The School of Social Work, Austin, Texas and Facultad de Trabajo Social, Nuevo Leon.
  20. Edin, K., & Lein, L. (1998). The private safety net: The role of charitable organizations in the lives of the poor. Housing Policy Debate, 9(3), 541-574.
  21. Edin, K., Lein, L., & Nelson, T. (1998). Low-income, non-residential fathers: Mexican-American fathers in the border area. Social Perspectives, 2(1), 67-81.
  22. Edin, K., & Lein, L. (1997). Work, welfare, and single mothers' economic survivals strategies. American Sociological Review, 62(2), 253-266.
  23. Lein, L., & Padilla, Y. (1997). Hispanic children on the Texas-Mexico border. Perspectivas Sociales/Social Perspectives.
  24. Edin, K., & Lein, L. (1997). Making Ends Meet: How Single Mothers Survive Welfare and Low Wage Work. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  25. Bacon, B., & Lein, L. (1996). Living with a female sexual abuse survivor: Male partners' perspectives. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 5(2), 1-16.


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