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School of Social Work Research Publications for Linda M. Chatters

  1. Taylor, R. J., Chatters, L. M., Lincoln, K. D., & Woodward, A. T. (2017). Church-based exchanges of informal social support among African Americans. Race and Social Problems, 9(1), 53-62.
  2. Himle, J. A., Taylor, R. J., Nguyen, A. W., Williams, M. T., Lincoln, K. D., Taylor, H. O., & Chatters, L. M. (2017). Family and friendship networks and obsessive-compulsive disorder among African Americans and Black Caribbeans. The Behavior Therapist, 40(30), 99.
  3. Mouzon, D. M., Taylor, R. J., Keith, V. M., Nicklett, E. J., & Chatters, L. M. (2017). Discrimination and psychiatric disorders among older African Americans. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32, 175-182.
  4. Nguyen, A. W., Chatters, L. M., Taylor, R. J., Levine, D. S., & Himle, J. A., Vogel, P. A., & Himle, J. A. (2017). Family, friends, and 12-Month PTSD among African Americans. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 51, 1149-1157.
  5. Taylor, R. J., Forsythe-Brown, I., Lincoln, K. D. & Chatters, L. M. (2017). Extended family support networks of Caribbean black adults in the United States. Journal of Family Issues, 38(4), 522-546.
  6. Taylor, R. J., Mouzon, D. M., Nguyen, A. W., & Chatters, L. M. (2016). Reciprocal family, friendship and church support networks of African Americans: Findings from the National Survey of American Life. Race and Social Problems, 8(4), 326-339.
  7. Taylor, R. J., Taylor, H. O., & Chatters, L. M. (2016). Social isolation from extended family members and friends among African-Americans: Findings from a national survey. Journal of Family Social Work, 19, 443-461.
  8. Nguyen, A. W., Taylor, R. J., & Chatters, L. M. (2016). Church-based social support among Caribbean Blacks in the United States. Review of Religious Research, 58(3), 385-406.
  9. Nguyen, A. W., Chatters, L. M., & Taylor, R. J. (2016). African American extended family and church‐based social network typologies. Family Relations, 65(5), 701-715.
  10. Yoon, H., Chatters, L., Kao, T. S, Saint-Arnault, D., & Northouse, L. (2016). Factors affecting quality of life for Korean American cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 43(3), E132-E142.
  11. Mouzon, D. M., Taylor, R. J., Nguyen, A. W., & Chatters, L. M. (2016). Serious psychological distress among African Americans: Findings from the National Survey of American Life. Journal of Community Psychology, 44(6), 765-780.
  12. Nguyen, A. W., Chatters, L. M., Taylor, R. J., & Mouzon, D. M. (2016). Social support from family and friends and subjective well-being of older African Americans. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(3), 959-979.
  13. Levine, D. S., Taylor, R. J., Nyugen, A., Chatters, L. M., & Himle, J. A. (2015). Family and friendship informal support networks and social anxiety disorder among African Americans and black Caribbeans. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50, 1121-1133.
  14. Woodward, A. T., Chatters, L. M., Taylor, H. O. & Taylor, R. J. (2015). Professional service use for a serious personal problem: Comparing older African Americans, Black Caribbeans, and non-Hispanic Whites using the National Survey of American Life. Journal of Aging and Health, 27, 755-774.
  15. Taylor, R. J., Chae, D. H., Lincoln, K. D. & Chatters, L. M. (2015). Extended family and friendship support networks are both protective and risk factors for major depressive disorder, and depressive symptoms among African Americans and Black Carribbeans. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 203(2), 132-140.
  16. Brown, R. K., Taylor, R. J., & Chatters, L. M. (2015). Race/Ethnic and social-demographic correlates of religious non-involvement in America: Findings from three national surverys. Journal of Black Studies, 46, 335-362.
  17. Chatters, L., Taylor, R. J., Woodward, A., & Nicklett, E. J. (2015). Social support from church and family members and depressive symptoms among older African Americans. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23, 559-567.
  18. Taylor, R. J., Chatters, L. M., & Brown, R. K. (2014). African American religious participation. Review of Religious Research, 56(4), 513-538.
  19. Taylor, R. J., Forsythe-Brown, I., Taylor, H. O., & Chatters, L. M. (2014). Patterns of emotional social support and negative interactions among African American and Black Caribbean extended families. Journal of African American Studies, 18(2), 147-163.
  20. Peterson, T. L., Chatters, L. M., Taylor, R. J., & Nguyen, A. W. (2014). Subjective well-being of older African Americans with DSM IV psychiatric disorders. Journal of Happiness Studies, 15, 1179-1196.
  21. Joe, S., Ford, B. C., Taylor, R. J., & Chatters, L. M. (2014). Prevalence of suicide ideation and attempts among Black Americans in later life. Transcultural Psychiatry, 51, 190-208.
  22. Lincoln, K. D., Chatters, L. M., & Taylor, R. J. (2013). Church-based negative interactions among older African Americans, Caribbean blacks and non-Hispanic whites. In M. Silverstein & R. Giarrusso (Eds.), Kinship and Cohort in an Aging Society: From Generation to Generation. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  23. Chatters, L. M., Nguyen, A. W., & Taylor, R. J. (2013). Religion and spirituality among older African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics. In K. E. Whitfield and T. A. Baker (Eds.), Handbook of Minority Aging. New York: Springer.
  24. Thornton, M. C., Taylor, R. J., & Chatters, L. M. (2013). African American and Black Caribbean mutual feelings of closeness: Findings from a national probability survey. Journal of Black Studies, 44, 798-828.
  25. Nguyen, A., Taylor, R. J., Peterson, T., & Chatters, L. M. (2013). Health, disability, psychological well-being and depressive symptoms among older African American women. Women, Gender, and Families of Color, 1, 105-123.


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