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School of Social Work Research Publications for Lindsay A. Bornheimer

  1. Smith, M. J., Merle, J. L., Baker-Ericzen, M., Bherwood, K., Bornheimer, L. A., Ross, B., Harrington, M., Sharma, A., Brown, C., Gordon, T., Telfer, D., Reese, J., Hirst, J., Oulvey, E. A., Dignadice, V., Williams, E., Magana, S.,Hume, K., Sung, C., Burke-Miller, J. K., & Smith, J. D. (2024). A type 1 hybrid multi-site randomized controlled trial protocol for evaluating virtual interview training among autistic transition-age youth. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 42, 101384.
  2. Holzworth, J., Brdar, N., & Bornheimer, L. A. (2024). Relationships between psychosis symptoms, psychosocial factors, and depression among individuals in an early phase of psychosis illness. Mental Health Science, 18, 1.
  3. Wastler, H., Yu, M., Pan, X., Bornheimer, L. A., Moe, A., & Breitborde. N. (2024). Trajectories of suicide risk among individuals with first-episode psychosis: Relationship to recovery and symptoms. Psychiatry Research, 338, 115978.
  4. Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Brdar, N., Im, V., Jeffers, N., Bushnell, C. B., Hoener, K., Tasker, M., DeWeese, K., Florence, T., Jester, J. M., King, C. A., Taylor, S. F., & Himle, J. A. (2024). A cognitive-behavioral treatment for suicide prevention among adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in community mental health: Study protocol for a pilot feasibility and acceptability randomized clinical trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 10, 99.
  5. Ewell Foster, C., Derwin, S., Bornheimer, L. A., Magness, C., Kahsay, E., Li Verdugo, J., Eis, M., Massey, L., Rivera, F. P., & King, C. (2024). Firearm safe storage in rural families: Community perspectives about ownership and safety messaging. Health Promotion Practice, 5(1), 33-48.
  6. Smith, M. J., Van Ryzin, M., Jordan, N., Atkins, M. S., Bornheimer, L., Sherwood, K., & Smith, J. D. (2024). Virtual job interview training: A dose response to improve employment for transition-age youth with disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 47(2), 92-105.
  7. Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Humm, L., Steacy, C., Kraznick, J., Goldstein Grumet, J.,Aikens, J. E., Gold, K., Hiltz, B., & Smith, M. J. (2024). Computerized suicide prevention clinical training simulations: A pilot study. Research on Social Work Practice, 34(2), 182-193.
  8. Smith, M. J., Burke-Miller, J. K., Bornheimer, L. A., Ross, B., Bell, M. D., McGurk, S. R., Mueser, K. T., Nelson, K., Brown, A., Prestipino, J., Borghani, N., Razzano, L. A., & Kallen, M. A. (2023). Psychometric properties of the mock interview rating scale for schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1150307.
  9. Bornheimer, L. A., Wastler, H., Li Verdugo, J., Im, V., Burke, H., Holzworth, J., Velasquez, E., & Mahmood, M. (2023). Depression, suicide intent, and plan among adults presenting in an emergency department after making a suicide attempt: Exploratory differences by psychosis experience. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 157, 197-201.
  10. Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Krasnick, J., Jeffers, N, Storey, F., King, C. A., Taylor, S. F., Florence, T., & Himle, J. A. (2023). A cognitive-behavioral suicide prevention treatment for adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in community mental health: Preliminary findings of an open pilot study. Social Work in Mental Health. 1-23.
  11. Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Humm, L., Steacy, C., Kraznick, J., Goldstein Grumet, J., Aikens, J. E., Gold, K., Hiltz, B., & Smith, M. J. (2023). Computerized suicide prevention clinical training simulations: A pilot study. Research on Social Work Practice.
  12. Smith, M. J., Van Ryzin, M., Jordan, N., Atkins, M., Bornheimer, L., Sherwood, K., & Smith, J. D. (2023). Virtual job interview training: A dose response to improve employment for transitionage youth with disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 0(0).
  13. Smith, M. J., Burke-Miller, J. K., Bornheimer, L. A., Ross, B., Bell, M. D., McGurk, S. R., Mueser, K. T., Nelson, K., Brown, A., Prestipino, J., Borghani, N., Razzano, L. A., & Kallen, M. A. (2023). Psychometric properties of the mock interview rating scale for schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1150307.
  14. De Nadai, A. S., Fitzgerald, K. D., Norman, L. J., Russman Block, S. R., Mannella, K. A., Himle, J. A., & Taylor, S. F. (2023). Defining brain-based OCD patient profiles using task-based fMRI andunsupervised machine learning. Neuropsychopharmacology, 48(2), 402-409.
  15. Acri, M., Falek, I., Hamovitch, E. K., Gopalan, G., Bornheimer, L. A., & McKay, M. (2022). An examination of the 4 Rs 2 Ss for problem behaviors: A preventative approach. Families in Society.
  16. Bornheimer, L. A., Martz, M. E., Suzuki, T., Tso, I. F., Burton, C. Z., Li Verdugo, J., Grove, T., Heitzeg, M. M., & Taylor, S. F. (2022). Affective dysregulation precedes emergence of psychosis-like experiences in a community sample of young adults. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48(3), 664-672.
  17. Bornheimer, L. A., Czyz, E., Jung Koo, H., Li Verdugo, J., Eisenberg, D., Zheng, K., Pistorello, J., Albucher, R. C., Coryell, W., Favorite, T., & King, C. (2022). Suicide risk profiles and barriers to professional help-seeking among college students with elevated risk for suicide. Journal of Psychiatric Research 152, 305-312.
  18. Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Holzworth, Im, V., Smith, F., Sliwa, H., Taylor, S. F., King, C. A., Florence, T., Tarrier, N., & Himle, J. A. (2022). Modifying a cognitive behavioral suicide prevention treatment for adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in community mental health. Psychiatry Research, 311, 114505.
  19. Bornheimer, L. A., Li Verdugo, J., Holzworth, J., Smith, F. N., & Himle, J. A. (2022). Mental health provider perspectives of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on service delivery: A focus on challenges in remote engagement, suicide risk assessment, and treatment of psychosis. BMC Health Services Review, 22, 718.
  20. Bornheimer, L. A., Cobia, D. J., Li Verdugo, J., Holzworth, J. & Smith M. J. (2022). Clinical insight and cognitive functioning as mediators in the relationships between symptoms of psychosis, depression, and suicide ideation in first-episode psychosis. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 147, 85-93.
  21. Bornheimer, L. A., Hong, V., Li, J., Fernandez, L., & King, C. (2022). Relationships between hallucinations, delusions, depression, suicide ideation and plan among adults presenting with psychosis in psychiatric emergency care. Psychosis, 14(2), 109-119.
  22. Bornheimer, L. A., Li, J, & Thompson, S. (2022). Depression mediates the relationships between hallucinations, delusions, and social isolation in first-episode psychosis. Social Work Research, 46(4), 332-341.
  23. Bornheimer, L. A., Wojtalik, J., Li, J, Cobia, D., & Smith, M. J. (2021). Suicidal ideation in first-episode psychosis: Considerations for depression, positive symptoms, clinical insight, and cognition. Schizophrenia Research, 228, 298-304.
  24. Li, J., Bornheimer, L. A., Fernandez, L., & Dagher, J. (2021). The relationships between risk-taking, depression and alcohol use in the experience of suicidal ideation among adults in the general population. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 43(3), 228-235.
  25. Bornheimer, L. A., Acri, M., Li Verdugo, J., & McKay, M. (2021). Family processes and mental health among children and caregivers in a family strengthening program. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30(11), 2903-2912.


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