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School of Social Work Research Publications for Brian E. Perron

  1. Davis, A. K., Bonar, E. E., Ilgen, M. A., Walton, M. A., Perron, B. E., & Chermack, S. T. (2016). Factors associated with having a medical marijuana card among veterans with recent substance use in VA outpatient treatment. Addictive Behaviors, 63, 132-136.
  2. Ryan, J. P., Perron, B. E., Moore, A., Victor, B., & Evangelist, M. (2016). Foster home placements and the probability of family reunification: Does licensing matter? Child Abuse and Neglect, 59, 88-89.
  3. Glass, J. E., Hamilton, A. M., Powell, B. J., Perron, B. E., Brown, R. T., & Ilgen, M. A. (2016). Revisiting our review of screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT): meta-analytic results still point to no efficacy in increasing the use of substance use disorder services. Addiction, 111(1), 181-183.
  4. Victor, B. G., Hodge, D. R., Perron, B. E., Vaughn, M. G., & Salas-Wright, C. P. (2016). The rise of co-authorship in social work scholarship: A longitudinal study of collaboration and article quality, 1989-2013. British Journal of Social Work, 47(8), 2201-2216.
  5. Perron, B. E., Victor, B. G., Hodge, D. R., Salas-Wright, C. P., Vaughn, M. G. & Taylor, R. J. (2016). Laying the foundations for scientometric research: A data science approach. Research on Social Work Practice. Sage Journals.
  6. Ryan, J. P., Perron, B. E., & Huang, H. (2016). Child welfare and the transition to adulthood: Investigating placement status and subsequent arrests. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45(1), 172-182.
  7. Ruffolo, M., Perron, B. E., & Voshel, E. (2015). Direct Social Work Practice: Core Theories and Skills for Becoming an Evidence-Based Practitioner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  8. Perron, B. E., & Gillespie, D. F. (2015). Key Concepts in Measurement. New York: Oxford Press.
  9. Glass, J. E., Hamilton, A. M., Powell, B. J., Perron, B. E., Brown, R. T., & Ilgen, M. A. (2015). Specialty substance us disorders services following brief alcohol intervention: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Addiction, 110(9), 1404-1415.
  10. Vaughn, M. G., Salas-Wright, C. P., DeLisi, M., Perron, B. E. & Córdova, D. (2015). Crime and violence among MDMA users in the United States. AIMS Public Health, 2(1), 64-73.
  11. Salas-Wright, C. P., Vaughn, M. G., Todic, J., Córdova, D. & Perron, B. E. (2015). Trends in the disapproval and use of marijuana among adolescents and young adults in the United States: 2002-2013. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 41(5), 392-404.
  12. Perron, B. E., Bonhert, K., Perone, A. K., Bonn-Miller, M. O., & Ilgen, M. (2015). Use of prescription pain medications among medical cannabis patients: Comparisons of pain levels, functioning, and patterns of alcohol and other drug use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76(3), 406-413.
  13. Bohnert, K., Perron, B. E., Ashrafloun, L., Kleinberg, F., Jannausch, M., & Ilgen, M. (2014). Positive posttraumatic stress disorder screens among first-time medical cannabis patients: Prevalence and association with other substance use. Addictive Behaviors, 39(10), 1414-1417.
  14. Perron, B. E., Victor, B. G., & Vaughn, M. G. (2014). Psychometrics. Oxford Bibliographies.
  15. Vaughn, M. G., Salas-Wright, C. P., DeLisi, M., & Perron, B. (2014). Correlates of traumatic brain injury among juvenile offenders: A multi-site study. Criminal Behaviors and Mental Health.
  16. Perron, B., Vaughn, M., Ryan, J., Salas-Wright, C., Ruffolo, M. & Guerrero, E. (2014). Predictive validity of self-reported head injury among delinquent youth. In M. DeLisis & M. G. Vaughn (Eds.), International Handbook of Biosocial Criminology. New York, NY: Routledge Press.
  17. Miller, C. J., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Perron, B. E., Kilbourne, A. M., Woltmann, E., & Bauer, M. S. (2013). Collaborative chronic care models for mental health conditions: Cumulative meta-analysis and meta-regression to guide future research and implementation. Medical Care, 51(10), 922-930.
  18. Vaughn, M. G., Maynard, B., Salad-Wright, C., Perron, B. E., & Abdon, A. (2013). Prevalence and correlates of truancy in the US: results from a national sample. Journal of Adolescence, 36(4), 767-776.
  19. Guerrero, E. G., Marsh, J. C., Duan, L., Oh, C., Perron, B. E., & Lee, B. (2013). Disparities in completion of substance abuse treatment between and within racial and ethnic groups. Health Services Research.
  20. Powell, T., Garrow, E., Woodford, M., & Perron, B. (2013). Policymaking opportunities for direct practice social workers in mental health and addiction services. Advances in Social Work, 14(2), 367-378.
  21. Ahmedani, B. K. & Perron, B. E. (2013). The language of diagnosis. In M. G. Vaughn & B. E. Perron (Eds.), Social Work Practice in the Addictions. New York: Springer.
  22. Granillo, M. T., Jarman, C., & Perron, B. E. (2013). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In M. G. Vaughn & B. E. Perron (Eds.), Social Work Practice in the Addictions. New York: Springer.
  23. Perron, B. E. & Vaughn, M. G. (2013). Conclusions and future directions. In M. G. Vaughn & B. E. Perron (Eds.), Social Work Practice in the Addictions. New York: Springer.
  24. Guerrero, E. G., Kao, D. T., & Perron, B. E. (2013). Travel distance to outpatient substance use disorder treatment facilities for Spanish-speaking clients. International Journal of Drug Policy, 24(1), 38-45.
  25. Ahmedani, B. K., Perron, B. E., Ilgen, M. A., Abdon, A., Vaughn, M. G., & Epperson, M. W. (2013). Suicide thoughts and attempts and psychiatric treatment utilization: Informing prevention strategies. American Journal of Psychiatry, 63(2), 186-189.


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