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Terri T. Gilbert

LEO Lecturer II

Terri T Gilbert

Terri Gilbert, MSW ‘87, has held executive level positions in both public and private non-profit organizations, directing programs serving vulnerable families, children and adults. Her experience spans the service array from child welfare and juvenile justice to mental health and developmental disabilities, workforce training and development. Ms. Gilbert previously served as the Director of the Child Welfare Improvement Bureau, dedicated to improving outcomes for children in the child welfare system, and as the State of Michigan Director of Child Welfare Funding and Juvenile Justice, supervising statewide juvenile justice programming, federal funding and compliance for the State of Michigan. Ms. Gilbert was appointed by Governor Snyder to serve on the Michigan Committee for Juvenile Justice representing practitioners and attorneys involved with juvenile justice. She has specialized in turning around failing programs, launching new programs and working toward a statewide juvenile justice reform agenda.


Year Degree   School
1987 MSW Macro Practice University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1981 BA Psychology Oakland University, Rochester, MI
Year Description
2024 Flinn Foundation, (2024, December) Youth Justice Reform: Opportunities for Philanthropy
2023 Gilbert, T. (2023, March) Girls in the Justice System: Who are they and how do we best serve them? State Appellate Defender's Office.
2023 Gilbert, T. (2023, June) Divert and Decriminalize: Empowering Judges for Change. Developing a Risk, Needs, Responsivity Approach to Juvenile Justice, Michigan Probate Judges Association.
2023 Gilbert, T. (2023, November) Unlocking Wellness: Exploring Correctional Healthcare Challenges and Solutions, The Unique needs of Justice-Involved Youth in Secure Residential Settings, Wayne State University School of Medicine.
2022 Gilbert, T. (2022, November) Locked Up Too Long: Opportunities for addressing the unmet needs of LGBTQ and older youth in the youth justice system. Michigan Center for Youth Justice Convening.
2021 Gilbert, T. (2021, December) The importance, and challenges, of juvenile justice data in Michigan: Juvenile justice data landscape. Michigan Juvenile Justice Reform Task Force.
2021 Gilbert, T., Hambrick, N., Logan, T. (2021, October) Systems Change: Painfully Slow But Possible! Center for Behavioral Health and Justice, Michigan NASW LEAD Conference.
2021 Gilbert, T. (2021, March) The School to Prison Pipeline and the Impact of Restorative Justice Practices on School Discipline, SPARK Lab, Michigan State University School of Social Work.
2020 Gilbert, T. (2020, May). Michigan’s Youth Justice System Response to COVID 19: Lessons Learned and Opportunities for the Future. Michigan Center for Youth Justice.
2019 Gilbert, T., Plevak, A. (2019, February) Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Educational Outcomes, Youth Policy Lab, University of Michigan.
2019 Gilbert, T. & Bushman, G. (2018, October). Crossover Youth and Juvenile Defense. National Criminal Defense Association.
2019 Gilbert, T. (2019, July). What kind of wine goes with Cheerios: Lessons learned leading large, complex nonprofits. Executive Leadership Institute, University of Michigan.
2019 Gilbert, T. (2019, February). Justice involved youth in Michigan: Priority for reform. Blue Meridian Partners, Justice Community Consortium.

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