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Ruth E. Dunkle

Wilbur J. Cohen Collegiate Professor Emerita of Social Work

Ruth E. Dunkle

Professor Ruth Dunkle's research, teaching, and clinical practice focus on gerontology. Recent research projects include "Mothers of Adult Daughters with a Serious Mental Illness: The Experience of African Americans and Whites" and "An Historical Perspective of Social Service Delivery in Detroit in the Twentieth Century." Since 1988, Professor Dunkle has served as a project co-director of the National Institute on Aging training program, "Social Research Training on Applied Issues of Aging," with Professor Berit Ingersoll-Dayton. She also serves as co-director of the Geriatric Fellowship Program with Letha Chadiha. Professor Dunkle recently wrote a book on the oldest old, which examines their future time perspectives and their coping strategies in dealing with the changes in their physical and psychological functioning, and which identifies relevant service delivery strategies for improving the quality of their lives.

Research Interests/Focus

Clinical gerontology, service delivery to the elderly, the oldest old, coping and service deliver strategies for the elderly, racial and ethnic variations in caregiving to the elderly.


Year Degree   School
1978 PhD Social Science Syracuse University, NY
1973 MSW Direct Service/ Aging Syracuse University, NY
1969 BS Social Science Syracuse University, NY
Year Description
2020 SSWR Fellow
2010 Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan.
2007 Distinguished Faculty Award, School of Social Work, University of Michigan.
2006 Anthony DeVito Geriatric Training Fellowship, The University of Michigan Geriatrics Center
2005-2006 Mothers of Adult Daughters with a Serious Mental Illness: The Experience of African Americans and Whites, IRWG, $4195
2004-2006 Grandmothers in a Three Generation Family: Making Plans for the Future OVPR, $10,000
2003 Wilbur J. Cohen Collegiate Professorship, University of Michigan School of Social Work
2002 Wilbur J. Cohen Collegiate Professorship, University of Michigan School of Social Work, 2003 Acceptable Clients in 20th Century Detroit, Summer Partnership, Rackham Graduate School, ($6,000)
2001 Outstanding Alumnus of the Year, Syracuse University, School of Social Work
2001-2003 Practice Competence in Racially and Ethically Focused Gerontological Social Work, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, the University of Michigan, ($6,000)
1997 Career Development Award, University of Michigan
1984 Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University
1980 AoA Stipend, Institute for Social and Political Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
1975-1976 NIA Trainee Fellowship
1972-1974 AoA Training Grant, Graduate School.
1972-1974 HHS Trainee Fellowship

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