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Sherrie A. Kossoudji

Associate Professor Emerita of Social Work

Sherrie A. Kossoudji

Sherrie A. Kossoudji is presently an associate professor in the School of Social Work and an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Economics. Her principal research area is immigration. She has written numerous articles on the legal status of immigrant workers in the United States and the incentives to cross the border illegally. Much of her work attempts to discern the link between legal status in the United States and economic outcomes. She has written on wealth disparities for immigrants--in particular, on home ownership as assets for immigrants. Her latest immigration work focuses on new immigrant children to the United States, particularly adopted orphans from abroad, and on the economic incentives and consequences of citizenship for immigrants to the United States. Recently, she has examined markets for body parts around the world. In particular, markets for sperm and ova are useful to identify social constructions of desirability and the price associated with them. She has also written on numerous labor and wealth issues and gendered outcomes. Much of her work focuses on gendered differences in economic outcomes for those at the margins of society. Dr. Kossoudji speaks publicly around the world about immigration, citizenship, and life sciences and reproduction.

Research Interests/Focus

Immigrant work lives, labor market inequalities, migrant worker opportunities, gender economics.


Year Degree   School
1984 PhD Economics University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1976 BA International Studies / Latin American Studies Miami University, Oxford, OH
Year Description
2008 Kossoudji, S. (2008, March). Immigrant adopted orphans and their families. Presented at Vanderbilt University, NIS presentations.
2008 Kossoudji, S. (2008, June). The economics and demography of assisted reproduction. European Society of Population Economists Annual Meeting.
2007 Kossoudji, S. (2007, May). Citizenship and wages. Presented at the Society of Labor Economists.
2007 Kossoudji, S. (2007, June). Citizenship, gender, and wages. Presented at the European Society of Population Economists Annual Meeting.
2007 Kossoudji, S. (2007, November). Who are immigrant orphans? Presented at the Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina.
2007 Kossoudji, S. (2007, December). The economics of immigration. Presented at the Osher Lifelong Learning Center.

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