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Kathleen Coulborn Faller

Marion Elizabeth Blue Endowed Professor Emerita of Children and Families; Professor Emerita of Social Work

Kathleen Coulborn  Faller

Marion Elizabeth Blue Endowed Professor Emerita of Children and Families in the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan; Director, Family Assessment Clinic

Kathleen Coulborn Faller is involved in research, clinical work, teaching, training, and writing in the area of child welfare. She has written nine books and approximately 90 peer reviewed articles, conducted more than 300 juried international, national, and state conference presentations and presented more than 250 workshop addressing controversies of interviewing children about sexual abuse, the co-morbidity of child maltreatment and parental substance abuse, domestic violence, and substance abuse, cultural competence in child welfare, and child welfare workforce issues.

She is Principal Investigator on the University of Michigan site of National Child Welfare Workforce Institute.

Research Interests/Focus

Controversies of interviewing children about sexual abuse, the co-morbidity of child maltreatment and parental substance abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, cultural competence in child welfare, and the child welfare workforce.

Contact Information

[email protected]


Year Degree   School
1981 PhD Social Work and Psychology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1971 MSW Social Work University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1963 AB Political Science Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH


Children Coping with Trauma
Year Description
2021 Lifetime Achievement Award, American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC).
2003-present Curriculum for Recruitment and Retention of Child Welfare Employees, Children's Bureau, Department of Health and Human Services, Principal Investigator; $1,000,000
2001-present Hasbro Early Assessment Project, Hasbro Children's Foundation, Principal Investigator; $144,000
2000 Smithsonian Innovation Award for the Website of the Interdisciplinary Child Welfare Training Grant
2000-2004 Training Program for Public Child Welfare Supervisors, Children's Bureau, Department of Health and Human Services, Principal Investigator; $600,000
1996 Outstanding Service Award, American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

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