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David J. Tucker

Professor Emeritus of Social Work

David J. Tucker

Professor David Tucker's scholarly areas of interest include the formation, growth, and death of organizations; the structural analysis of inter-organizational service delivery systems; and the application of macro organizational theory to the analysis of selected social policy issues. His recent work also focuses on questions about the production and validation of knowledge. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Michigan in 1990, Tucker served on the faculty at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Research Interests/Focus

Organizational demography, organizational change, dynamic modeling of change processes, knowledge development and production.


Year Degree   School
1978 PhD Interorganizational Relations and Social Policy University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1968 MSW McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1966 BA University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Year Description
2007 Tucker, D. J. (2007, January). Multiple imputation and propensity score matching in an observational study of change and survival of nonprofit social service organizations. Presented at the 2007 Conference for Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.
2007 Tucker, D. J. (2007, January). Interdisciplinarity in doctoral social work education: Does it make a difference? Presented at the 2007 Conference for Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.
2004 Tucker, D. J., & Sommerfeld, D. (2004, August). Toward a theory of nonprofit/for-profit organizational mix in the private social services sector. Presented at the American Sociological Association 99th Annual Meeting, Public Sociologies; San Francisco, CA.
2004 Tucker, D. J., & Sommerfeld, D. (2004, August). Institutional effects and organizational form: Accounting for organizational mix in social services. Presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Creating Actionable Knowledge; New Orleans, LA.
2003 Tucker, D. J. (2003, January). Empirical progress in social work scholarship: The role of theory. Symposium presented at the 2003 Conference for Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.
2003 Tucker, D. J. (2003, January). Theorizing the differential survival of foster families. Presented at the 2003 Conference for Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.
2003 Tucker, D. J. (2003, October). Observations on the corporatization of the university. Presented at the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education (GADE) 2003 Annual Meeting, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
2002 Tucker, D. J. (2002, February). The future of doctoral education in social work. Presented at the Annual Program Meeting, Council of Social Work Education, Nashville, TN.
2002 Tucker, D. J., & Sommerfeld, D. (2002, November). Human service organizations . . . the larger they get. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Montreal, Canada.
2001 Tucker, D. J. (2001, October). Comments on the nature of anthropological knowledge and the requirements of action. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropology Association.
1992 Tucker, D. J. (1992, January). Problems and progress in population ecology. Presented at the Conference on the Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations, Stern School of Business, New York University, New York.
1988 Tucker, D. J., Singh, J., & Meinhard, A. (1988, December). Imprinting, structural inertia and organizational change. Presented at the Wharton Conference on Organizational Evolution, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Department of Management.
1988 Tucker, D. J., Meinhard, A., & Hurl, L. (1988, June). The founding and survival of foster homes. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work, Learned Societies, Windsor, Ontario.
1988 Tucker, D. J., Singh, J., & Meinhard, A. (1988). Founding conditions, environmental selection and organizational mortality. Presented at the 1988 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA.
1988 Tucker, D. J., Singh, J., & Meinhard, A. (1988, August). Are voluntary organizations structurally inert? Exploring an assumption in organizational ecology. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Organization and Management Theory Division, Anaheim, CA.
1987 Tucker, D. J., Meinhard, A., & Singh, J. (1987, June). An introduction to event history analysis using RATE. Presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Learned Societies, McMaster University, Hamilton.
1986 Tucker, D. J., Singh, J. V., & House, R. J. (1986, August). Organizational change and organizational mortality. Presented at the XI World Congress of Sociology, Theoretical Issues in Sociology, New Delhi, India.
1986 Tucker, D. J., & Hurl, L. (1986, June). The policy-practice connection: Analytic problems for the social work problematic. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work, Learned Societies, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
1986 Tucker, D. J., Singh, J., & House, R. J. (1986, August). Why new voluntary organizations die. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Organization and Management Theory Division, The Academy of Management, Organization and Management Theory Division, Chicago, IL.
1986 Tucker, D. J. (1986, November). Organizational birth and selection processes in voluntary social service organizations. Presented at the Institute for Social and Public Policy Studies, Program for the Study of Nonprofit Organizations, Yale university.
1985 Tucker, D. J., & Hurl, L. (1985, November). The Macdonald commission and social services: On babies, bath water, and lessons already learned. Presented at the Conference on the Macdonald Commission: Implications for Social Policy, McMaster University.
1985 Tucker, D. J., House, R., & Singh, J. (1985, August). Adaptation and population ecology theory. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Organizational and Management Theory Division, San Diego, CA.
1985 Tucker, D. J., House, R., & Singh, J. (1985, May). Special session on the population ecology of organizations. Presented at the 1985 Annual Conference, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Montreal.
1985 Tucker, D. J., House, R., & Singh, J. (1985, August). Organizational adaptation and environmental selection: The relationship between change and organizational survival. Presented at the Organization and Management Division, Academy of Management Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
1985 Tucker, D. J., House, R., & Singh, J. (1985, August). Some causes and effects of executive succession: An ecological perspective. Presented at the Organization and Management Division, Academy of Management Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
1985 Tucker, D. J., House, R., Singh, J., & Meinhard, A. (1985). Resource environments, organizational form, and the founding of voluntary social service organization. Presented at the 1985 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, DC.
1985 Tucker, D. J., House, R., & Singh, J. (1985, June). Organizational legitimacy and the liability-of-newness. Presented at the European Group of Organization Studies, Seventh Annual Colloquium. School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden.
1985 Tucker, D. J., House, R., & Singh, J. (1985, August). Organizational decision-making and organizational survival. Presented at the Tenth Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision-Making, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland.
1984 Tucker, D. J. (1984, June). The liability-of-newness in a population of voluntary social service organizations. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Administrative Science Council of Canada, Learned Societies, Guelph, Ontario.
1984 Tucker, D. J., Singh, J., House, R., & Meinhard, A. (1984, August). Age dependence, environmental and population heterogeneity, and organizational mortality. Presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Society, San Antonio, TX.
1983 Tucker, D. J. (1983, October). Blockmodel analysis of fragmentation in an interorganizational service delivery network. Presented at the Economics Futures Conference, McMaster University.
1983 Tucker, D. J. (1983). Environmental change and organizational policy-making. Presented at the International Conference on Managing Voluntary Organizations, York University.
1982 Tucker, D. J. (1982, April). Conceptualizing and measuring the environment of voluntary social service organizations. Presented at the Symposium on Voluntary Social Service Organizations. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.
1982 Tucker, D. J. (1982, June). The formation, growth, and demise of VSSOs: A preliminary analysis. Presented at the Annual Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work, Learned Societies.
1981 Tucker, D. J. (1981, January). Strategies and mechanisms for the development of interorganizational relations. Presented at the Symposium on the Study of Interorganizational Relations, Toronto, Ontario.
1981 Tucker, D. J. (1981, January). Approaches to the study of interorganizational relations. Presented at the Symposium on the Study of Interorganizational Relations, Toronto, Ontario.
1980 Tucker, D. J. (1980, May). The development of cooperative interorganizational social services networks. Presented at the Symposium on Helping Networks and the Welfare State, Massey College, University of Toronto, Ontario.
1978 Tucker, D. J., Wheeler, M., & Rice, J. J. (1978, May). Political economy of peer review. Presented at the 1978 Annual Meeting and Conference, Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work, Learned Societies, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.
1976 Tucker, D. J. (1976, January). Multi-service centers: Challenges and prospects. Keynote address presented at the Provincial Conference on Multi-Service Centers, Hamilton, Ontario.
1976 Tucker, D. J. (1976, May). Chance and availability of social services--Local government and its options. Plenary address presented at the Ontario Welfare Council Meeting and Conference.
1976 Tucker, D. J. (1976, June). The economics pie and how it's cut. Plenary address presented at the Annual Meeting and Conference, OAPSW, Hamilton, Ontario.

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