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Showing events on March 13, 2025

  1. Physical Safety Training for Social Workers

    March 13, 2025 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    Safety is subjective and context dependent, and as such, a structured physical safety training program tailored to empower social workers enables social workers from all different backgrounds and life experiences to protect themselves. And, by equipping social workers with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate various safety challenges, we can ensure a more comprehensive and responsive approach to service delivery in both micro and macro social work settings.

    Physical Safety Training for Social Workers will provide participants with tools to appropriately address work-place physical safety risks through practice of verbal boundary setting and physical self-defense skills. The skills taught in this course are intended to be easy to use and easy to remember; and are meant to be accessible for a range of physical abilities, and adaptations will be taught as needed.

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