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Play Therapy with Young Children

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SW625, Section 001

This course will examine practice theories and techniques for working directly with children ages eighteen months to nine years, and their caregivers, via play therapy. This course will emphasize evidence-based play therapies that address diverse groups of young children. Special attention will be given to the meaning of play across cultures, as well as the role of play in the healthy development of children. The interaction between environmental risk factors, protective factors, promotive and developmental factors as they contribute to coping, resiliency, and disorder will also be covered. Primary emphasis will be given to Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) and Child Centered Play Therapy (CCPT).

Semester: Winter 2025
Instructor: Christina Dadswell
U-M Class #: 27491
Program Type: Residential
Format: In-Person
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

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