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Contemporary Cultures in the United States

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SW620, Section 001

This is one of the CSS courses that meet the advanced HBSE requirement. This course will explore the origins and development of selected social variables characterizing the diversity dimensions (ability, age, class, color, culture, ethnicity, family structure, gender (including gender identity and gender expression), marital status, national origin, race, religion or spirituality, sex, and sexual orientation) in contemporary U.S. society. Social and behavioral science theories and research findings on the allocation of different roles, status, and opportunities to these populations will be studied. Students will use a multidimensional, social justice, and multicultural framework to examine power, privilege, discrimination, and oppression. This course will emphasize that effective social work practice with diverse cultural groups involves understanding professional ethics in the context of the values of both the dominant society and the ethnic community.

Semester: Fall 2013
Instructor: Robert Joseph Taylor
Category: CSS HBSE
U-M Class #: 30145
Program Type: Residential
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

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