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Joint PhD Program in Social Work and Social Science Graduates

May 2021-April 2022

Berenice Castillo
Dissertation Title:
Three Studies Examining Externalizing Behavior and Substance Use Among Diverse Youth
Mike Evangelist
Dissertation Title:
Three Essays on Race and Trust in the United States
Change Kwesele
Dissertation Title:
"Shibukeni!": Exploring the Mental Health Perceptions and Experiences of Young Adult Children of African Immigrants through the Lens of Sociocultural Influences
Lisa Larance
Dissertation Title:
Talking Back to the Web of Power: Women's Legal, Child Protection, and Antiviolence Intervention Entanglement and Resistance
Hayeon Lee
Dissertation Title:
Korea Dreaming: Vietnamese Women's Stories from the Marriage Migration Cycle
Joyce Lee
Dissertation Title:
Family Processes Underlying Economic Insecurity, Father Involvement, and Child Outcomes in Families with Low Income
Angie Perone
Dissertation Title:
Safety, Autonomy, Discrimination, and Religious Exemptions: Three Papers on How Long-Term Care Facility Staff Navigate Conflicting Rights
Sara Stein
Dissertation Title:
Towards Intentional Relational Well-Being: Syndemic Contributions of Mental Health, Trauma Exposure, and Sociodemographic Factors to Risk for Intimate Partner Violence Victimization
Ed-Dee Williams
Dissertation Title:
Black Boys Mental Health Help-Seeking: Exploring Perceptions, Barriers and Social Processes

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