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A Transformative Global Course Extension in Chennai, India

Ariana González Peláez

Ariana González Peláez

My name is Ariana González Peláez, and I’m an MSW student in the Community Change and Global Social Work pathways. I’ve had opportunities I never imagined possible, and one of the most memorable was being part of the first cohort of MSW students to participate in the Global Course Extension in Chennai, India.

In August 2024, 11 MSW students participated in this study abroad program in Chennai under the leadership of Assistant Professor Ashley Cureton and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor Katie Lopez, who is director of the SSW Office of Global Activities. The course aimed to compare the Grand Challenges of Social Work in both India and the United States. This experience was made possible thanks to the ongoing collaboration between the School of Social Work and Madras Christian College. 

Each day was full of new experiences and insights! A typical day started bright and early with a delicious breakfast, followed by a Tamil language course and two lectures on the Grand Challenge of Social Work topic for the day. We also went on field visits, where we experienced firsthand the social work practices and efforts in local communities, agencies and organizations. The evenings were filled with reflective discussions led by Cureton, allowing us to process all we had learned. Though the days were long, they were incredibly enriching.

But it wasn’t all academic! During the first weekend, Madras Christian College Associate Professor Prince Solomon Devadass and his MSW students made sure we had the chance to explore Chennai’s beautiful sites, including immersive museums, the beach and temples. We also took a trip the following weekend to New Delhi and Agra, where we explored India’s capital and visited the iconic Taj Mahal. These experiences gave us a broader understanding of India’s rich history and culture, adding another layer to an already transformative journey.

On the final day of the program, we donned the beautiful sarees and kurtas kindly gifted to us and shared a celebratory dinner with the faculty, students, and staff of Madras Christian College. It was the perfect way to mark the end of a successful short-term study abroad experience, filled with gratitude and the hope that relations between the University of Michigan and Madras Christian College continue to pave the way for more study abroad and exchange program opportunities for students from both institutions.

In the end, this Global Course Extension has not only expanded our academic and professional horizons, but also allowed us to critically reflect on the interconnectedness of the social work profession across global contexts. It has inspired me to continue applying a global perspective to my work moving forward, and I feel incredibly grateful for the relationships built and the lessons learned along the way.


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