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Nicole, MSW Candidate, May 2013

During my time here at the SSW, I have truly begun an unsuspected journey of self-discovery. This journey has increased my self-awareness and provoked me to widen my scope of understanding of others as well.

I have taken several courses that have challenged my ideas and thoughts, but until I took the SW 707 LGBTQ course, I never challenged my own identity or questioned what being an ally truly meant. I am ashamed to admit that I never put much thought into heterosexual privilege, until Laura Sanders forced me to question everything around me. Her class also lead me to sit in on Carrie Davis’ presentation during Transgender Awareness week which was sponsored by the Dean's Initiative on TBLG Matters.   This presentation gave me the opportunity to see some of the struggles of the transgender community, I never would known about how difficult choosing a restroom may be for someone or that carrying condoms could incriminate and endanger someone.  With my new sense of awareness, I can become a strong ally and take it upon myself to educate others.

SSW and the LGBTQI community have not only assisted in pushing me beyond the barriers that I, myself and society have implemented, but to question those barriers and ask how I can be an effective ambassador for change. 

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