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Field Supervisor Guides Career in Hospice

Denise Sanfilippo

Being passionate about hospice and wanting to work in that field, I wanted to be sure it was a good fit for me. This placement helped me learn that hospice is not only a great fit, it is where I belong.  The opportunities I was afforded taught me more than I could have ever imagined. I appreciate the value of working in an interdisciplinary team, the purposeful use of supervision, and how these can benefit the client. Integrating classroom learning with real world experience empowered me to develop an independent study. I evaluated the services at my field, which enabled implementation of new protocols to more effectively provide vital services to the agency's clients.

Although my placement in bereavement was part of hospice, I was unsure if I would get the full experience of hospice. My supervisor pleasantly surprised me by allowing me to pursue a vast array of opportunities to create my own experience. Any and every door possible was opened to me. Not only was my supervisor a positive role model, she was the gift of my fieldwork experience. Her knowledge base was extensive and she had the experience and skills to know when to jump in and help, and when to let me venture out of my comfort zone and figure it out for myself. Based on this experience, I was able to pursue my passion while expanding my knowledge, and prepared me for a career as a professional social worker.

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