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Global Activities Scholars Program

Sarah Jadrich, 2012

  • Community Organization

Sarah Jadrich (MSW ’12) always had a passion for social work. She was equally passionate about gaining a global perspective of the field by learning and working abroad. The Global Activities Scholars Program offered her the unique opportunity to combine both passions while earning her MSW at the University of Michigan School of Social Work.

As a Global Activities Scholar, Sarah was one of six students selected (each year) to complete a semester-long global field placement. She spent four months in Melbourne, Australia, where she evaluated refugee settlement programs for the Ecumenical Migration Center (EMC) of the Brotherhood of St. Laurence.

Now living in Washington DC, Sarah is a Family and Education Specialist for the International Rescue Committee (IRC), one of nine refugee resettlement agencies that helps newly arrived refugees, asylees and survivors of human trafficking during the critical first months in the U.S.

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